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APA Rock Crabs


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Just bought this script and tried for the first time. it just logs me off when i start it at bank and isn't working. It says that it couldn't find the camelot teleport tabs.



same problem, it randomly picks up an oyster maybe by miss clicking or something not sure and then it just wont bank and just sits there



Hi guys, I have recently made some changes to banking so that may be the issue. I'll take a look into it and push an update ASAP :)





Version 3.25


  • Fixed outstanding errors with banking. The script will no longer bank runes so if you're using mage then you can do more than one trip safely
  • Script should correct itself when banking if it makes a mistake.


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[ERROR][bot #1][04/12 12:20:15 PM]: Error in script executor!
at Main.mainclass.a(n:1560)
at Main.mainclass.onLoop(n:1201)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(cm:215)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



Have fixed this error as you can see from my post above


please wait for the update to be pushed live by the script manager

(it is fixed on version 3.25)



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Hey I tried using this in Mirror mode but it kept switching between my attack style and inventory tab back and forth rapidly, is it not mirror compatible? Or are you working on making it mirror compatible?


It's probably trying to special attack with a weapon you cant special attack with. Make sure you disable special attack in the gui before starting the script if your weapon doesnt have a spec.


Also, I shouldnt have to do anything to make it mirror compatible, it should already work on the mirror client as the API for both is the shared. If you havent configured something wrong in the GUI, then it's probably an error with the mirror client itself.

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