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APA Rock Crabs


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Apaec, I know I've been blowing up your thread lately, but I just wanted to say thanks for considering all of our feedback into your updates, for anyone who isn't sure, this script is worth the money. Nice job and thank you for the updates.

I'll post a proggy for you in the morning most likely.

This says it all really, a scripter that updates stuff that people ask for (obv wothin limits.)

100% agree.

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This says it all really, a scripter that updates stuff that people ask for (obv wothin limits.)

100% agree.


Very true, I like the fact that he has a few scripts instead of a massive arsenal, which allows him to devote more time and effort to each one equally. Awesome script, awesome scripter, happy Towel

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Just purchased this script an hour ago, loaded it up with my desired pot  and food settings (3 strength pots + 21 Tuna) and then added all of that to my inventory manually along with 100 laws and 500 airs for camelot teleport. script walked to Rhelleka fine but as soon as i ran out of food it teleported me to camelot, ran to bank, and then logged me out without even checking bank. Cannot get it to withdraw food for the life of me, have tried starting it in bank, outside of bank, at camelot castle, etc. and every time it runs into the bank and logs out automatically. i have over 1000 tune and 150 pots in bank and it hasn't even opened my account.. not sure what's going on but if someone can shed some light on this i'd appreciate it

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Apaec, I know I've been blowing up your thread lately, but I just wanted to say thanks for considering all of our feedback into your updates, for anyone who isn't sure, this script is worth the money.  Nice job and thank you for the updates.

I'll post a proggy for you in the morning most likely.  



This says it all really, a scripter that updates stuff that people ask for (obv wothin limits.)

100% agree.



Very true, I like the fact that he has a few scripts instead of a massive arsenal, which allows him to devote more time and effort to each one equally. Awesome script, awesome scripter, happy Towel


Hey guys!


From a scripter point of view, i'd just like to say how thankful I am to have guys like you as customers x) it's very rare that we get thanked after pushing updates for our scripts and when we do we really take it to heart <3


I really appreciate the kind words and really hope you got what you were looking for when you purchased the script - if not, just please let me know. i'm always willing to update, and as happy towel (c:) said, with my small scripts collection, it really does allow me to devote time to my available scripts.


If you guys havent already, please leave a review on the store here: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/373-apa-rock-crabs/ (I know for sure that quick and towel have left a review, really appreciate that guys too x) )


thank you very much, end of loving speech




Just purchased this script an hour ago, loaded it up with my desired pot  and food settings (3 strength pots + 21 Tuna) and then added all of that to my inventory manually along with 100 laws and 500 airs for camelot teleport. script walked to Rhelleka fine but as soon as i ran out of food it teleported me to camelot, ran to bank, and then logged me out without even checking bank. Cannot get it to withdraw food for the life of me, have tried starting it in bank, outside of bank, at camelot castle, etc. and every time it runs into the bank and logs out automatically. i have over 1000 tune and 150 pots in bank and it hasn't even opened my account.. not sure what's going on but if someone can shed some light on this i'd appreciate it




I recommend starting the script with an empty inventory in cammy bank.

If the script stops, open up the console below the client to see the reason for it stopping. It will always log the reason there - this will then allow you to fix the problem by changing your GUI settings where necessary :)


let me know if you're still having problems


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Mate, mirror mode back on track:




can go for longer but I need to switch off PC.


Longest I ran with you was maybe 21 hours? Nonstop smile.png


Keep on keeping on.


Woo! crazy - 43k exp/h is awesome esp for 15h straight... sweet! thanks for kind feedback :D


Script is killing it, many thanks.


Glad you like it ! :)







Version 3.37

  • Added anti-aliasing to paint as cursor looks a bit pixelated imo

Happy botting :)




PS feel free to leave a review here: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/373-apa-rock-crabs/ :) would really appreciate it!

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Just a question, I never actually saw the camera rotate, isn't that something that shows you are maybe botting? As most people who play actually move the camera to adjust point of view?


To avoid misclicks, the camera is forced to stay facing up (this is how most people play anyway). But it can still move from side to side and can move to focus on certain things should it need to. But it will always return to the top.



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