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Dex = Graphics god


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I think you guys are underestimating the value of the graphical work. @Dashboard told me that the previous banner was already viewed 60000 times. The graphical work is a key feature to attract customers, I think everyone would rather purchase goods/services from a site with a nice graphical lay-out than from a site which looks rather poor on the graphical side. That's one thing you got to ask yourself: how can I make my product look outstanding? You should try to catch the eye of the user who is browsing the web. Some of you are questioning the price. I initially made another banner but Dash didn't like it so I had to make a lot of changes which is not always that easy when you have to create these kind of banners in PS, and to adapt it to Dashboard's liking I had to alter it quite a few times and had to put a lot of work into it.

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Not overpriced.


I agree it´s not complicated banner, but it´s totally fucked up to think that "professional" artists with real life clients would keep doing quality graphics for as low price as kids with for example 1 year experience making basic signatures. Who wants to spend hour/s making a nice piece of graphics for 5-10$? That´s like a damn god scripter making the most complicated script and then gives it out for almost free.




Nice work @Dex!

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At the first look at it I couldn't read "Train" & "Ultimate tool" very well as the background was near the same color as the text for some of it. Second time through I could read it fine. I enjoyed the smooth transitions and the colors fit well, besides the two words I mentioned. I would have made the height a bit taller and maybe a bit of noise reduction.


As for the price, I think $80.00 was too much to charge. But that's between the two of you.


I think this is the first animation I've seen from you, what program did you use?


Keep up the good work. smile.png



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