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RE: OSB 2 and detectability


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Every available bot client is theoretically detectable, however the developers have implemented systems to prevent being detected, which may or may not be effective. If JaGeX could accurately detect the client there would be no bots (unless they want bots, which they may).


As for the interest of the company they wouldn't mind too many bots, however the Oldschool team has no intention of letting any bot through. If Jagex themselves actually denied the Oldschool team implementing a massive bot nuke, the word would definitely hit the community and Jagex would lose money there.


So, on Rs3, that's a different story. On Oldschool, bots get banned as hard as Mod Mat K's team can hit them.

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Every available bot client is theoretically detectable, however the developers have implemented systems to prevent being detected, which may or may not be effective. If JaGeX could accurately detect the client there would be no bots (unless they want bots, which they may).

I think Jagex want bots, but they want to control them, this is quite obvious because whenever bots get out of hand and prices start plummeting all of a sudden there are ban waves.

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Every available bot client is theoretically detectable, however the developers have implemented systems to prevent being detected, which may or may not be effective. If JaGeX could accurately detect the client there would be no bots (unless they want bots, which they may).

My theory is bot clients are detectable , jagex just doesn't ban every single one so they still get our money n such, and when the rs economy gets to fucked up they are more aggressive and then they ease up.
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Is it possible for Jagex to "scan" the JVM instance the client is running on for possible intrusions? If so, I think it would be incredibly easy to detect bots as they could just look for foreign data in the method area/heap. Even if the bot was able to completely evade this and become "invisible" to scans I would assume the stealth would be lost once the user runs a script as that would populate the instance with the scripters script data.


@NotoriousPP was talking about the idea of running the bot on a completely separate JVM instance and communicating between the two using sockets or something of the sort. If what I asked above about them being able to look at the JVM your client is running on for alien data, couldn't the bot itself could even be written in a completely difference language which would take out any detection issues related to instance scanning?


I made this post in the scripters section and didn't receive any feedback on it. Just my two shits on the matter.

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