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Former Staff Member Kyle


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Yes you are. You took advantage of someone else. We didn't.


I wouldn't call it taking advantage. I had been in that position before and never did that. It was during a stressful time, and I panicked when I couldn't do what he wanted me to do. Be that as it may, I still never intended to scam him of his money, and I will be happy to pay him back. 


I'll admit it, I fucked up. We all make mistakes don't we?

Edited by FerociousKyle
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I'll admit it, I fucked up. We all make mistakes don't we?

Lmao, don't come at me with that mushy shit

I wouldn't call it taking advantage. I had been in that position before and never did that. It was during a stressful time, and I panicked when I couldn't do what he wanted me to do. Be that as it may, I still never intended to scam him of his money, and I will be happy to pay him back.

Oh so because you were stressed that makes it okay?

So, if I scam and come crawling back that's okay? I'll just wait a few months..

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  • Administrator

No intention of scamming yet, you used the money, instead of holding on to it and asking a mod/admin what to do since you were in this situation. Basically you made a common mistake we see all the time. You scam quit, regret it, but don't want to pay back. It doesn't work like that, stop buying beer, cigarettes, or some other form "play money" you have, drink water for a month and don't buy soda or tea or anything else. You can surely make up the money.

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