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Learning how to script


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Yes, programming is hard to learn, but very rewarding and fun once you get into it. I'm not an amazing programmer yet so I can't give you great advice, all I can say is you don't learn if you copy/paste code. Never ever copy/paste.


Also, don't get started with learning the OSBot API, that is silly. You need to look up on YouTube some Java programming tutorial series. I strongly recommend this guy: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRXb5dUK4cvsHbx-rGzSgw He has good Java tutorial series on his channel. Watch through the entire thing and you'll know how to program on a basic level, then find the intermediate tutorial series on the same guy's channel. Once you've finished that, start learning the OSBot API.


Good luck young grass hopper.

Edited by Antigrate
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