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Hide Bot, Run with lid closed, Memory Cleaner


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Memory Cleaner

I really don't know alot about this program, so I'll copy and paste. IM NOT TAKING CREDIT FOR THIS PART OF THE GUIDE. Anyways, its a nice little program, so here you go:

What this will do for you

  • Allow you to run bots for longer than 10/20/30/40/50 hours depending on your RAM - you know the lag that occurs within the client after around 20 hours? This fixes that
  • Allow you to run more bots per computer
  • Result in more XPs!


The program - Main Window

Below is the first tab in the Memory Cleaner window, you don't need to do anything with this though I will explain it below.




As you can see it shows the current memory usage with a handy 'progress bar', as well as text information concerning the current pagefile usage, virtual usage and the average/min/max usage since the program has been running.


There is also two tasks that are available 'Trim processes' working set' and 'Clear System Cache'. These are the two tasks that clean out the extra memory that OSbot uses when it has been running for a long time - individual instances of the client can reach up to 1.5GB if it's a RAM intensive script such as a fighter script.


You don't really need to touch these buttons at any point if this guide is followed properly, though I doubt many of you will have read this far without trying to skip to the 'important bit'. 


The Program - Options Window

Below is the options window which is the second tab - This is the important tab, you will need to replicate these settings. Read below.




As you can see the boxes are ticked to trim the working set every 5 minutes, and to clear the systems cash every 5 minutes. This means that you don't need to keep clicking the separate task buttons on the main window tab - though it is fun to see the RAM usage bar drop as you keep clicking it...


As a backup the two top options carry out the two tasks if it exceeds 80%; hopefully this won't happen of course.




 ----Download- CLICK----

It may take a few seconds for it to begin downloading, just open the link above and wait 5-10 seconds if it doesn't start quickly.

An alternative download can be found here however this IS NOT THE LATEST VERSION. I suggest you download from the big download hyperlink above.





Firstly well done for making it this far. Here are some handy tips.


  • I suggest you set the program to run at startup, it'll remember your settings and is useful even if you aren't botting but are using programs that take lots of RAM - For example, video editing.
  • The program is not installed in C:\Program Files, it makes it's own folder. To uninstall, find the install path that you used and there's a shortcut there.
  • If you don't want it on your screen you can press the X in the top right to close it and it will go to your task bar as can be seen below






How to Hide Your Bot!

I am not taking credit for this either.

1. Search for 'Windows Hide Tool'.




2. Download 'Windows Hide Tool'





3. Run 'Windows Hide Tool'








4. Right click in the task bar and choose 'Hide all windows' to hide all, or to hide an individual window make sure that window is the only one maximised and choose 'hide window' until it disappears.







Botting with Laptop Lid Closed

1. Go to the windows start button and search "Power"

2. Click "Change What the Power Buttons Do"

3. Choose: When I close the lid "Do nothing"- on battery and plugged in

4. Once you're done, save changes. 










The download doesn't appear malicious.


I have it running as we speak. Actually already improving system speed.






You're welcome.


Honorable Mentions:


Edited by Maldesto
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The best way to hide your bot is with VirtuaWin, from 2 to 9 virtual desktops, it's a breeze to switch between them, and custom key setups, no one will ever press crtl + shift + alt + 2,4,6, or 8. tongue.png


And thanks, didn't know about the memory cleaner being that useful. smile.png

You are welcome 

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You stole this from another site and didn't even credit.

Well, I have Norton Security Pro. I also decompiled the download, and looked through things. Nothing weird in processes, no start-ups etc.
Also checked it with a few other AV's.

I was referring to the performance part, haha. How can you tell it sped up your pc?

Edited by Gojira
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