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How to use a Proxy to connect with OSRS [Pictures for the ]


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First of all, just wanted to say that this is common sense to people that know Java and I'm writing this quick guide because it was requested.

Also, I'm quite sure that OSBot will add proxy feature in the client itself soon.


NOTE: There's a small problem. You are setting the proxy to the whole application, so all tabs ran in this client will use the same ip/proxy. Solution: Run multiple clients.


NOTE2: People is saying that proxies dont work. You are using dead/slow proxies that you probably found in free lists. You will never be able to bot with that. You need to buy premium lists/private proxies.

I turned one of my vps into a proxy (temporarily) so you know that good proxies work well with little latency:

-DsocksProxyHost=atscripts.servebeer.com -DsocksProxyPort=69 

People saw it worked perfectly so I'm removing it now :)




-Make a new folder

-Copy latest osbot client into the new folder

-Rename osbot client to "osbot.jar"














-Open Notepad

-Paste this text on it 

@echo off
java -DsocksProxyHost=PROXY_IP -DsocksProxyPort=PROXY_PORT -jar osbot.jar

-If you dont want the black cmd window to show, you can use replace "java" with "start javaw"


-Replace "PROXY_IP" and "PROXY_PORT" for your respective proxy ip/port. Example: 

@echo off
java -DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=17217 -jar osbot.jar

-Save As -> "anyname.bat" (Select all types)

-You can simply edit it anytime you want by right-click and chose "Edit"



-Double-click the .bat file to open osbot using the proxy.


-If you get an error saying "'java' is not a recognized command blablabla", edit your .bat file and do this:


-Find your java location, find in your program files or something like this:




then edit the file.bat with the correct java location





-If you get an error saying 'unable to find "osbot.jar" blabla, you probably fucked up renaming osbot.jar and you renamed it to osbot.jar.jar because your OS isnt configured to show all file extensions.





Q.This guide only shows how to do it on Windows, how can we do it in our operating systems?



Q.Where can I get Socks5 proxies?



Q.Why are you so sexy?




Edited by XavierM
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What exactly does it mean to run it on a proxy? How would that benefit me?


Goldfarmers eventually realized that you get goldfarm bans quick when you run multiple account in a single IP. So they can either separate the account in more VPSs or keep them in the same machine and "assign an IP to each account".

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