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Buying Items from General Store

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How exactly would I buy an item from a general store...I have to sell noted essence and buy back unnoted essense, but I have no idea how this would exactly work, there are no interfaces for each individual slot in the store, I can try searchForInterface or whatever it is, but I want some input first. What would be the most effective way?

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	private Rectangle getShopItemBounds(int itemId) {
		int slot = -1;

		for (int i = 0; i < client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv().length; i++) {
			if (client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv()[i] - 2 == itemId) {
				slot = i + 1;

		if (slot == -1) {
			return null;

		slot = 6;

		int row = (int) Math.ceil((slot / 8.0) - 1);
		int column = slot > 8 ? slot - (row * 8) : slot;

		int x = 80 + (column * 16) + (column * 31);
		int y = 69 + (row * 16) + (row * 31);

		return new Rectangle(x, y, 31, 31);

	private void buyShopItem(Item item) throws InterruptedException {
		Rectangle itemBounds = getShopItemBounds(item.getId());
		RectangleDestination destination = new RectangleDestination(itemBounds);
		for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
			selectOption(null, destination, "Buy 10", false);


Just modify that, I can't be bothered to

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	private Rectangle getShopItemBounds(int itemId) {
		int slot = -1;

		for (int i = 0; i < client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv().length; i++) {
			if (client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv()[i] - 2 == itemId) {
				slot = i + 1;

		if (slot == -1) {
			return null;

		slot = 6;

		int row = (int) Math.ceil((slot / 8.0) - 1);
		int column = slot > 8 ? slot - (row * 8) : slot;

		int x = 80 + (column * 16) + (column * 31);
		int y = 69 + (row * 16) + (row * 31);

		return new Rectangle(x, y, 31, 31);

	private void buyShopItem(Item item) throws InterruptedException {
		Rectangle itemBounds = getShopItemBounds(item.getId());
		RectangleDestination destination = new RectangleDestination(itemBounds);
		for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
			selectOption(null, destination, "Buy 10", false);


Just modify that, I can't be bothered to


Wasn't expecting that, thanks bro.

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