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How to load Mirror


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just use a batch file to force it to use a specific java version, dont delete others cos u might need it for other clients or stuffs,

"<java8path>\java.exe" [here can go all JVM args COMPATIBLE with hava 8] -jar "<osbot up-to-date client.jar>" [here go all the osbot args]


"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk8u442-b06\bin\java.exe" -server -Xmx724m -XX:+UseG1GC -jar "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\Osbot.jar" -allow reflection -mem 724 -data 0 -closeOnInitializationError -newmouse -mfps 30 -launchgame -autologin -bot user:pass:pin(0000 if none) -script id:parameters(. if none otherwise wont launch)

+ if you put the path into same directory as the osbot jar you should be able to just put <osbotjarname.jar> instead of the full path

or if you g@y install it and add to environment variables + move above the other versions if needed

java -version
in cmd should give you the java 8 version you installed if u do it properly after loading a new CMD

preferrably just use a batch file imo

Edited by i99
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