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Issues with Jagex account


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I am trying to get Jagex launcher work via OSbot, but for some reason after launching Jagex launcher shows up as white.
After that I'll get message "Try again, check your network". I am using premium proxy, which should work or have they blocked vpn/proxy services with Jagex account system?

Would be nice to get step by step guide how to get jagex launcher work with proxy.


EDIT: Got it working, was just a wrong port. But still have manually (Without proxy enabled) to lauch Jagex launcher, any ideas how to get that fixed?

Edited by HurrrDurrr
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2 minutes ago, Czar said:

We need to see if it launches without a proxy first so we can know the next step to help. Can you disable the proxy and launch osbot just to see if the same error occurs? Also does it say Bot Initialization Error?

Got it working, but have to launch jagex launcher first without proxy enabled on internet settings, after it launches OSbot, then it will work with the proxy.

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