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Czar Revenants


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I think something is a bit wrong with the anti-pk options in the overheads. I tried both switch to pkers style and switch and predict.

Switch to pkers style seems to spam change prayers didn't really seem to actually be on their current weapon style etc?

And with switch to pkers style and switch & predict the bot just got attacked by a guy in full mystics maging me and it hard prayed range the whole time even when he was in staff & mystics the entire time, It never prayed maged. I had to pause script and escape on my own. 

But overall I think the overhead anti-pk part of this script needs some work.

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I forgot to mention as well the biggest thing I think that would help escaping pkers that this script doesn't seem to have? Maybe I'm wrong.

It seems to not pray mage at all when running away from the pker. 

Like the pker can be in full robes etc and it prays melee or ranged etc while running rather than praying mage to counter the entangle etc while its not frozen. I think something within that area also needs something done. Cuz praying melee with a gap on the pker while he is in robes seems pretty wrong 😛

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Hey bro come discord so we don't spam this thread too much, I am happy to help you get the script suited to your accounts playstyle :D


I highly recommend enabling the option: Fury mouse for better results, and always protect mage to get less time on TB if they ever land, the bot should be looking at the player's weapon to determine which prayer to select. If they have full mystic + melee weapon it could trick the bot into praying melee, but this is an easy fix for me. I can add an option to either check weapon or armour so you guys can choose.

And sure I can add tertiary food (brews) so we can eat regular food + karambwan + brew for higher levels, I usually run this bot on mid-low levels as a goldfarm because it generates a lot of money in a short period of time. 

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At osbot, we have unlimited use for bots.

But the client is capped at simultaneous running 2 for free users, and unlimited simultaneous bots for vip. There is no limit to how many accounts you can use.

Also trials start as soon as I like the post, if you didn't get a chance to use it, lemme know! :D

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57 minutes ago, Czar said:

At osbot, we have unlimited use for bots.

But the client is capped at simultaneous running 2 for free users, and unlimited simultaneous bots for vip. There is no limit to how many accounts you can use.

Also trials start as soon as I like the post, if you didn't get a chance to use it, lemme know! :D

Thanks for the response!

I was able only to use it for 2ish hours the day before as I had a power outage in the area; any chance I can get another test run? No worries if not. 

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