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Proper way to handle tasks where there is a -1 animation between each activity e.g stringing bows crafting hide bodies etc.


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Hi as title says I know that it is discouraged to use "while" in the loop, but for the activities mentioned you cant use !myPlayer().isAnimating() due to the character hitting -1 animation during the creation of items. For example, when stringing magic longbows every 5 or so I get a -1 animation and so the bot tries to string again. I currently am getting around this using a while loop with a counter which basically will break the loop when it hits a number which means something isnt working properly for whatver reason but I know this isnt a good way to handle it. I am struggling to see anything in the api to help (although i am not the best at reading apis). I was wondering what the consensus is on how to work around this issue?

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8 minutes ago, chardragon said:

Hey thanks for the reply is there any chance you can give an example? :)

public class AnimationCheck extends Script {
    private final Timer animationTimer = new Timer(3_000);

    public void onStart() {

    public int onLoop() {
            //Start doing whatever you wanted to do
        return 50;

Basic Timer class

public class Timer {

     private long period;
     private long startTime;

     public Timer(long period) {
          this.period = period;
          startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

     public boolean isRunning() {
          return getElapsed() < period;

      public long getElapsed() {
           return System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;

     public long getRemaining() {
           return period - getElapsed();

     public void reset() {
          startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

     public void stop() {
           period = 0;

    public static String formatTime(long ms) {
        long sec = ms / 1000L;
        return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", Long.valueOf(sec / 3600L), Long.valueOf((sec % 3600L) / 60L), Long.valueOf(sec % 60L));


Edited by Khaleesi
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9 hours ago, chardragon said:

Hi as title says I know that it is discouraged to use "while" in the loop, but for the activities mentioned you cant use !myPlayer().isAnimating() due to the character hitting -1 animation during the creation of items. For example, when stringing magic longbows every 5 or so I get a -1 animation and so the bot tries to string again. I currently am getting around this using a while loop with a counter which basically will break the loop when it hits a number which means something isnt working properly for whatver reason but I know this isnt a good way to handle it. I am struggling to see anything in the api to help (although i am not the best at reading apis). I was wondering what the consensus is on how to work around this issue?

Look at the ConditionalSleep class, it uses a loop but allows interruption

You basically want a nested condition, sleep until you haven't animated for x seconds (sleep until the nested sleep fails)

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import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep;

import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;

public class Sleep extends ConditionalSleep {
    private final BooleanSupplier condition;

    public Sleep(final BooleanSupplier condition, final int timeout) {
        this.condition = condition;

    public static boolean sleepUntil(final BooleanSupplier condition, final int timeout) {
        return new Sleep(condition, timeout).sleep();

    public final boolean condition() {
        return condition.getAsBoolean();


Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !Sleep.sleepUntil(api.myPlayer()::isAnimating, random(4000, 8000)), random(20000, 40000))

Sleep until haven't animated for 4-8 seconds, returns boolean whether condition was met or timed out

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