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My botfarm (ess)


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The ban-rate isn't too bad. And I switch farming methods every day to avoid bans. + CMHScripts are GREAT! Cleverbot talking, logs out when jmod is near...


EDIT: Oh and yes I did rune mysteries by hand.


EDIT2: I have 2 more accs running on my laptop aswell.

Edited by Unbound
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Mining levels? and ban rate? I might do this on a much larger scale.

I wouldn't. It would really suck to lose 20+ accounts, pure ess has quite a high ban rate.

What's your reccomendation then that you don't have to invest money into?
Well pure ess isn't even good money. Not telling what I do, but you could spin flax, chop yews, fish sharks. Well actually, what you wanna do it have like 4 groups of bots each doing different things. That way if there's a mass ban you will still have your other groups of bots.
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