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How much per hour do you aim for on each bot? [Scalable farms]


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Hey everyone as the title states I'm curious on what everyone aims for when they are trying to build a farm that's scalable. I love to get a discussion going about the different ways people approach trying to start a farm. Do you have a certain checklist that you run through as you are testing them? If you build up the bots yourself, whats the longest you want to spend on the account before its able to run? What kinds of questions typically run through your head as you try to figure out what is viable?

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The main key is having as little interaction with bots as possible, try and aim for account builder scripts first, then questing, and then you can start pursuing your favourite methods.

Personally I am addicted to rcing/thieving/blast furnace atm, and my strategy is just build as many accounts as possible, bot them for as long as possible (24/7) and if they get banned they will just be replaced with more accounts :doge: These days bans are super low so it's not as tedious as it sounds xd

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Goals are personal. I could say I go for at least 1m p/h on max efficiency/lvl but that doesn't help much as someone could just make 2 accs that make 500k p/h with less reqs/building. Or perhaps someone else aims to make 2m p/h per acc on a method I'm not aware of.. If you're thinking of scaling up, choose an activity you think it's profitable. Set your own goals. Get some scripts to get the accounts ready then farm.

Edited by FushigiBot
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