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account banned really fast


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I've had an account banned by doing tutorial island by hand in stealth mode before. I just used an afk script to punch in the username and password and then took over by hand. I'm pretty sure they can see what client your game is running on if they look at you for whatever reason. I think they have certain things in place to catch how stealth mode works and I pretty much avoid using stealth mode any time I'm accessing a bank because I feel like in my experience that's when I get banned in stealth. But someone may have also reported you for some reason or another and got you looked at? But mirror mode pretty much takes control of the official game client so if you get looked at you're showing as playing on that and from my understanding it doesn't inject code to access the bank like in stealth mode, it clicks on the bank on the official client. But I'm fairly new myself.
Mirror mode is a lot more resource heavy though. I can run about 11-15 stealth clients on a machine that can handle 4-6 mirror clients depending on the script I'm running.



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@porpar Go through tut on RuneLite then swap to OSBot.


19 hours ago, Alakazizam said:

it doesn't inject code to access the bank like in stealth mode

Dude what are you even trying to say? You have to interact with the bank booth to open the bank properly. Both Mirror and Stealth use mouse based interactions as well. Just their way of getting to that same result is different.

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On 12/25/2022 at 6:54 PM, Gunman said:

@porpar Go through tut on RuneLite then swap to OSBot.


Dude what are you even trying to say? You have to interact with the bank booth to open the bank properly. Both Mirror and Stealth use mouse based interactions as well. Just their way of getting to that same result is different.

Like I said, still pretty new and I may be misunderstanding how exactly things work. It was my understanding that stealth mode just tells the client to interact with the closest bank and mirror mode takes control of the official client and clicks where it's supposed to click. I've read that they have bank booths in game that exist in code but not actually rendered? Like they can be referenced by the stealth client but a legit client wouldn't be able to click on it so accessing that bank would get you flagged?
Again I'm fairly new and my understanding of how this all works probably isn't that great but I find my stealth client bans are significantly higher when accessing banks. Just a thing I've taken notice to and decided to avoid doing and since I've started that my bans have been extremely low. On 3 weeks of pretty simple script that doesn't bank, running with 30-90 minuet bot time and 5-15 minuet breaks 24/7 and no bans yet.


Edited by Alakazizam
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