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MacOS Bottinghub goldfarm


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It's not impossible it's just really not feasible unless you maybe have a high end Mac pro. Better off just getting a dedicated server.


Also, OSBot is in no way affiliated with bottinghub, use their support channels/forums, not ours.

Edited by Muffins
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13 hours ago, Muffins said:

It's not impossible it's just really not feasible unless you maybe have a high end Mac pro. Better off just getting a dedicated server.


Also, OSBot is in no way affiliated with bottinghub, use their support channels/forums, not ours.

Thank you


I do have a high end macbook pro; but they say its because sandboxie and proxifier are only compatible with Windows 
I'll be hopping over to their forums now, sorry; thought OSB had some kind of partnership.

Seems they dont have a forum
Only livechat


Where would you advice me to get a dedicated server?
Will i be able to run the botmanager + 24 accounts + 6 res proxies < on my mac OS < on the dedicated server?

Edited by BackToRS
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