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Script Starter Snippet


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This is the official thread of the snippet.


What's in the snippet?

Custom breaks.

Randomized TIMED actions that I designed myself, such as checking a random tab, xp, moving camera, moving mouse slightly, etc.

Randomized restore hp logic.

Randomized enable running logic.

Banking logic.

Randomized hop worlds logic.

Core renew bond logic.

Core restocking logic and basic GE interactions.

Areas and positions for commonly used banks. 

Useful booleans.


Examples of how to use it

Randomized healing

Basic logic

[85, Variables, getBoolean, 1:shouldRestoreHp, 3:false]
[85, Variables, getInteger, 1:generateEatAtHp, 1:==, 2:0]
[85, MyPlayer, getCurrentHealthPercent, 1:<=, 2:40]
[85, Variables, addOr]
[85, Variables, getBoolean, 1:shouldRestoreHp, 3:false]
[85, Variables, getInteger, 1:generateEatAtHp, 1:==, 2:1]
[85, MyPlayer, getCurrentHealthPercent, 1:<=, 2:55]
[85, Variables, addOr]
[85, Variables, getBoolean, 1:shouldRestoreHp, 3:false]
[85, Variables, getInteger, 1:generateEatAtHp, 1:==, 2:2]
[85, MyPlayer, getCurrentHealthPercent, 1:<=, 2:70]
[85, Debug, debug, 1:[Restoring Hp.]]
[85, Variables, editBoolean, 1:shouldRestoreHp, 3:true]
[85, Variables, generateRandomInteger, 1:generateEatAtHP, 2:0, 2:2]
[86, Variables, getBoolean, 1:shouldRestoreHp, 3:true]
[86, MyPlayer, getCurrentHealthPercent, 1:>=, 2:90]
[86, Variables, editBoolean, 1:shouldRestoreHp, 3:false]

When the boolean 'shouldRestoreHp' is set to true, it also generates a random integer that will determine the hp threshold to activate healing the next time. By default, this integer is 0 and the hp threshold is less than 40% hp. You can edit the hp values by changing the hp% check for getCurrentHealthPercent.

In order to do the actual healing, you have to do a true check for the boolean shouldRestoreHp, and then set the action such as eating a lobster or whatever food you choose.

Edited by FushigiBot
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10 hours ago, Doalrian20 said:

so i could copy things certain things from it and paste into whatever im trying to make? sorry im new to SF :)

This snippet contains checks that you can call anywhere within the script. It basically saves you time when building a script as it contains a template for many things. It requires some knowledge of SF or programming, though.

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