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Fruity Barrows (Frost Barrows)


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Just got the script to find out it just get's stuck at swapping gear. I have everything setup correctly, and when I start the script at barrows it walks to the right mound but then sits there. Kinda bs for a monthly paid script that doesn't work anymore, clearly there are other people that are having this issue too.

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16 hours ago, TrentB said:

hes off since september..  do u need those quest ghost ahoy + morton?

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On 10/10/2021 at 3:27 PM, duzixon said:

hes off since september..  do u need those quest ghost ahoy + morton?

The quests for different routes are no longer required if you have access to teletabs.

If anyone with issues during gear swap will message me on discord, I can provide direct support. FrostBug#2050

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Does it support strange old lockpick?

EDIT: Where can I find ring of duelling support? Can't find it in the GUI. Thank you! 

EDIT2: The `profit` and `per hour` both are not working. They seem to be stuck on 2k both after a hour...
It doesn't calculate the price of items: LzulOuK.png

Edited by Florius
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On 11/6/2021 at 5:45 AM, redroostir said:

barrows is having a bug issue where it does not want to click on any doors is their a fix being worked on?

Guessing its either a gfx issue or a client issue (at the time). Try again, and if it still doesn't work properly, try setting the client to fixed size mode.

On 11/5/2021 at 7:30 PM, Florius said:

Does it support strange old lockpick?

EDIT: Where can I find ring of duelling support? Can't find it in the GUI. Thank you! 

EDIT2: The `profit` and `per hour` both are not working. They seem to be stuck on 2k both after a hour...
It doesn't calculate the price of items: LzulOuK.png

It does not support the old lockpicks.
Ring of dueling can be used by selecting the Ferox Enclave route.
Profit is occasionally offline because it relies on OSBuddy price API; usually comes back online after a little bit.

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Appreciate the reply. It teleports to Ferox Enclave and tries to teleport back via minigame:

This doesn't work since it still looks in the old place for the minigame teleport interface? 
It's stuck on Kourand favour. I have the fixed size classic layout selected.
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or if it's the script. 

Thank you! <3

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/10/2021 at 9:56 PM, Florius said:

Appreciate the reply. It teleports to Ferox Enclave and tries to teleport back via minigame:

This doesn't work since it still looks in the old place for the minigame teleport interface? 
It's stuck on Kourand favour. I have the fixed size classic layout selected.
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or if it's the script. 

Thank you! <3

hm, yeah they move the minigame teleport every few months..

for right now I can recommend teletabs instead.

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