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Fruity Barrows (Frost Barrows)


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On 5/16/2020 at 10:33 PM, crazylife said:

Does this support restoration pool to restore prayer instead of altar in PoH?


On 5/14/2020 at 8:38 PM, letezia said:

Hi there, does this script have the capability to use PoH portal to barrows?

Was this added with a recent update? I have not made a route for it yet, but it would have high potential

On 5/20/2020 at 1:38 AM, lukey372 said:


just some suggestions to make the script better. Rather than right clicking all doors it should left click it, no human is going to right click on every door in the tunnels.

also rather than clicking the tile before opening the chest it should left click the chest and then open it just to simulate a more realistic play style.

I'm pretty sure there is some logic that allows it to left click under safe conditions, but I will double check

On 5/20/2020 at 7:18 PM, kevin gustavsson said:

the script keep missing the coffins and just waste prayer, why is this 10 dollar recuring if it cant even engage the fights, i have to manually paus the script press the coffin then continue


On 5/20/2020 at 7:24 PM, kevin gustavsson said:

stupid script gets stuck at setting quick prayers walking a few steps, set quick prayer, walk , quick prayer, walk quick prayer, what did i pay for , and also u want 10 dollar each month? this is broken

Have you checked all the troubleshooting steps? It sounds like some graphic or hotkey settings may be amiss.

On 5/21/2020 at 11:17 PM, aariejj said:

i'm having the same log for the last 2 days everytime, can anyone help? @Krondo

Please try completing the current barrows run manually; it can have difficulties starting with all brothers already dead

On 5/23/2020 at 6:36 AM, texas bot said:

There some sort of error? So im running a bot with a addy crossbow and obby shield. the  script seems to think i have an extra weapon in my inventory. *note* i only have ahrims setup done. but i was doing this with all six brothers and the bot would crash due to not having the extra weapon in the inventory  



I don't think it would crash because of this. It sets an extra item in your inventory because it cannot accurately detect if weapons are one or two handed. So if it sees that one or more setups uses a shield, it will assume the risk of the shield getting unequipped to the inventory.

If the crash was caused by something else, more details may be visible in the log files. You could send those to me if issues persist.

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On 5/18/2020 at 11:59 AM, mricysea said:

New here, I know everyone asks but could I get maybe a free trial to test it out first? Thanks.


On 5/20/2020 at 3:07 PM, Bronze Pickaxe said:

Could i get a trial please?



On 5/20/2020 at 4:17 PM, infamousrag3 said:

Have asked a few times for a trial but haven't had a response 😞.

Would it be possible to get a trial?

Trial slots are full right now, but I will add them for you all as soon as I can. Sorry for the delay

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22 hours ago, FrostBug said:


Was this added with a recent update? I have not made a route for it yet, but it would have high potential

I'm pretty sure there is some logic that allows it to left click under safe conditions, but I will double check


Have you checked all the troubleshooting steps? It sounds like some graphic or hotkey settings may be amiss.

Please try completing the current barrows run manually; it can have difficulties starting with all brothers already dead

I don't think it would crash because of this. It sets an extra item in your inventory because it cannot accurately detect if weapons are one or two handed. So if it sees that one or more setups uses a shield, it will assume the risk of the shield getting unequipped to the inventory.

If the crash was caused by something else, more details may be visible in the log files. You could send those to me if issues persist.

Hey Frost, unsure how new it is as I just came back but yes! you can very much make a POH portal to barrows makes for best route.

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On 5/20/2020 at 1:18 PM, kevin gustavsson said:

the script keep missing the coffins and just waste prayer, why is this 10 dollar recuring if it cant even engage the fights, i have to manually paus the script press the coffin then continue

idk if this has been quoted but i run this script on mirror mode only problem i ever had was that and the solution is starting the script with your screen more zoomed out. It doesnt *see* it properly

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well guyes had a level 90 cmb main with barrows gloves, fighter torso, and defender even void played on legit by someone else great account right?

well I run frost barrows for 2 days expecting to get atleast 2 weeks worth of the monthly paid script with the account I payed 30m for and the script I payed 20m for so 50m down the drain so far because I got banned in 2 days we idk what to do but lol

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11 minutes ago, DeathSikel said:

if I cant even make back the supply cost of the account running the script for 5 hours in 2 days I don't think yalls accounts will last LMAO

"I took a risk on an account that I clearly didn't want to risk and now I'm showing my anger by doubting other peoples botting accounts and methods"

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5 hours ago, Maxlaxen said:

"I took a risk on an account that I clearly didn't want to risk and now I'm showing my anger by doubting other peoples botting accounts and methods"

I’m not showing anger lol I’m just saying my experience with the script lol, did everything by the book and well at that. Not even 2 days my friend no hate to the scripter or anything I just want people to know that it might be hard to make their money back running this

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