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Perfect Wintertodt


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  • 2 weeks later...

hey, just bought the script. Works fine, just found some minor issues i think would need to be adressed:

1. Keeps closing and opening the bank if food runs out, resupply ticked, but no teleportation method in bank.

2. when taking food for trip, withdraws it 2 times before actually going.

3. when wintertodt is low, goes back and forth between wether to cut roots or to burn logs, thus not achieving maximum possible points.


overall great script

alswould be nice to add dragon axe special activation

Edited by seskine01
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Thanks! I will release a new update following your feedback :D I just have one question, do you have any different variant of the dragon axe, for example dragon axe (or)? Because the bot should be activating special attacks already, but it's fine I will investigate 😉 

For 1 - I will make the bot stop then, if no ge restocking selected

For 2 - Should I make it deposit all then withdraw once? People have recommended me it's better to do that way, but I will listen to you too :D 

For 3 - I just need to see your settings here, there's a chance we can improve this by adjusting settings, I can send you my profile if you like^^

Edited by Czar
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14 hours ago, HappiHourHero said:

Is this script Ironman compatible? Like, will it acquire warm gear for an ironman? or should i do that before hand?

Yessir, does everything for you, just need to turn off GE Restocking else it will try and buy food from GE :doge: 

I gave you a trial btw enjoy! :D

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