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Alternative Tutorial Island?


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Hi all,

Today I have been working on a Tutorial Island script and I have noticed something quite strange. I made a new account and after completing the survival section, instead of the Chef being there, there was an NPC called the "Master Navigator". I also noticed that the map is set at a completely different grid position (x=1718, y=6113 for example), and the order of the quest/requirements is changed.

After the combat section where you would usually speak to the banker, you instead go to the priest first, and he asks you to bury a bone & toggle on a prayer and more steps than are usually required? The priest is also the one to show you the friend/ignore list rather than the account guide in the bank section.

I did some quick googling around and it seems that there is no information anywhere about a "Master Navigator". Have I somehow happened upon some botter flag hell where they send suspected IP addresses/new accounts into a different tutorial island to prevent botting, or is this just a standard RuneScape thing and I'm an idiot?

EDIT: Apparently there is a new, rare tutorial island that can occur based on a comment by another member: 


Edited by roflcupcake
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