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OSRS World hopping bug


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Client Version: 2.5.80 (Mirror Mode)
Script Version: OSBot Hopping method
Date: 28-04-20
Low CPU Mode (yes/no) : no
Bug Description: 
So , after X amount of times suddenly hopping / accessing worlds become completely null. It's probably some edit Jagex has done to it's game, is my hypothesis. 
The first 1-50 hops go through perfectly fine, however after that I can't access getWorlds.getAvailableWorlds(true) anymore, and even with a pre-initialized ArrayList I can't hop to the world, 
as that line .hop(world) just gives a nullPointerException. After trying to make the mouse hover manually (which also resulted in a NPE) and many other tricks to see if it's just me having this bug. I'm 90% sure it's not and hope to see this fixed as all my bot farms are on idle right now because of this.
Bug Occurs When: Being in a certain world where world returns null , if I hop to a random world manually with my mouse, then hop back . It works perfectly fine again (even with the script)
Where Bug Occurs: Whilst trying to hop.
Screenshots (if applicable): 

There is one part of the code named: worldHopInt 


I manually set the world I wanna hop to, to break the for loop and hop to the correct world. Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but EVERYTHING worked perfectly fine, before Jagex turned off World Hopping for COVID-19 / 2.5.80 OSBot update.


Code for hop:


Code to get the available worlds and store them in my ArrayList:




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