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how should the script know how much items it mined


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1 hour ago, mousbros said:

thank you im gonna try that out


case "MINING":
            final Area MINING_AREA1 = new Area (2982,3233,2990,3242);
            int ItemsMade = 0;
            if (!getInventory().isFull()) {
            if(MINING_AREA1.contains(myPosition()) && (getInventory().contains("Bronze pickaxe"))){
                RS2Object ore = getObjects().closest(11362,11363);                
                if (ore != null) {                    
                    log ("Found ore");
                    if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) {
                        if (!myPlayer().isMoving()) {                                                        
                            ItemsMade += 1;
                            log("Made an item");
                        if (ItemsMade == 5) {
                            log("Walking to Draynor");

I did something like this, knows when the item is made cuz I see the log.

but it doesnt go to the draynor after 5 ''items are made''


Edited by mousbros
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12 minutes ago, Gunman said:

@mousbros Pretty sure you're reseting the counter every time at the start of the case. Log the int at the start of the case and the end and see if it is being reset each time. Also you can do ItemsMade++; instead of ItemsMade +=1;

yea your right, dumb of me. it just goes to 0 when the loop starts again. is there any trick that I can make it remember it how many times it did the loop

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