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Stealth Passive Goldfarmer


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20 hours ago, ProfoundDemon said:

Hya, i'm using mirror mode and it's happened 3 times that the bot "has ran out of supplies" and when i log in to check it has lost the chisel. I guess it drops it accidentally but doesn't pick it back up.

Just wondering, do you have shift dropping enabled?

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As promised continued updates as I am using the script -


You were correct about the dropping issue I perceived as being normal, I observed the script for an extensive period of time and yes, as you suggested the bot was simply dropping the used buckets. All is well on that front.

One small issue with regards to the Hunter script which might be a noticeable behavior - when trapping the first location with two traps after the second trap is already placed the script always walks further away from the mushroom teleport and then quickly turns back around rubberband style - this is no issue on a small scale, but if it can be observed that everyone running this script exhibits this unusual behavior it can plausibly be considered as a potential vulnerability.

This is a great script, I've been running it since authorization and have been enjoying the results.

One further suggestion - it would be of great benefit to track your supplies in client somehow, for example when the script initializes check ALL supplies, or perhaps only supplies required based on settings indicated and keep a live running count of remaining supplies. Obviously restocking feature once implemented (also, curious when that will be :D) will solve that somewhat but even still on initial execution I had to constantly run the script to have it stop just to read the logger, I had to do this like 8 times before I finally had all the required items. It would have been a lot easier to just have a client-side display with supplies and big red "0"s next to the ones you need :D

Anyway, nice work! I'll continue observing and likewise will continue posting back as development proceeds <3


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On 10/21/2020 at 10:01 PM, frederick511 said:

Would I be able to test this for you as well?  Looks amazing!

Authed :doge: 

On 10/21/2020 at 10:56 PM, Diesal said:

Hey Token! I'd love to test, as I've recently unlocked some of these passive methods. If not, no worries! I'd love to see it on full release. 

Authed :doge: 

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