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Stealth Passive Goldfarmer


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On 10/26/2020 at 2:15 PM, EvilCabbage said:

This has happened to me both with Sweetcorn and with Watermelon. I haven't seen it happen with Snape grass yet but I suspect it's still happening because the number of seeds I have left is higher than expected after planting x ranarr seeds.

Was the allotment patch full of weeds when it skipped?

On 10/26/2020 at 9:21 PM, sp0wner said:

Does this script have tithe farm? If so i would like to try it out.

It doesn't have tithe farm :feels: 

20 hours ago, zent0ph said:

Would love to give it a try and provide any feedback I can!

Authed :doge: 

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21 hours ago, twobellies said:

wow would love to try this out how can i trial it

Authed :doge: 

11 hours ago, Culturalism said:

is this possible to buy or ? trial? 

Authed :doge: 

6 hours ago, Articuz said:

Token are you able to make us collect e.g Limpwurts after 20 min and not just after 80?
Herbs are completed after 80 and while herbs are waiting it would be nice to collect 4 times limpwurts (since it takes 20 min for them to fully grown) 😛


Also will Trees be supported in the future?

I guess I can find a strategy for those, but doing runs every 20 mins is not feasible; the entire idea behind the script is staying logged out as much as possible to avoid bans

Fruit trees will be added, normal trees idk

4 hours ago, arsenfatal said:

Can i buy the script or get a trail please ?

Authed :doge: 

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hey token and anyone else not sure if anyone else has had the issue and reported it when i started the script on the logger it was saying something like grabing items for herb run even tho i had everything in my inventory my work around was to dump everything in the bank and the script started working again and took everything out it only happened when i started the script with items already in my inventory scripts been running now for 3 hours no issues

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