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OSRS Script Factory 2.0


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1 hour ago, Bakonbitz705 said:

Is there a way to make Zero to Hero not level defense?
litterly only bought this script for that

Yea, you can remove that from the code. I didn’t write that Script Factory Script, but Powerrangeralt did! If you join my discord, we would be more than happy to help!

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  • Added #showPositions to Paint
  • Added the ability to sleepMoving to interaction methods with area filters to NPC, RS2Object and GroundItem
  • Added the ability to sleepMoving to #interactWithRS2ObjectAtPosition to RS2Object
  • Added #ifNPCIsFacing and #ifNPCIsNotFacing to NPC
  • Fixed a bug with #ifSlotContains in Inventory not recognizing partial names
  • Fixed a bug with #interactWithSlot in Inventory
  • Minor fixes
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9 minutes ago, charlotte420 said:

hi script factory is very good and i would recommend it to everyone but there is one problem i cant sell oted items in ge could you please fix this bug.


Just tested and it worked for me. Make sure the item ID you are using is for a noted item. If you need to verify, you can go to to Settings on the OSBot client in the top right corner, then go to Debug and check box "Inventory". Then just hover your mouse over the item and it should tell you the item ID. :) Hope this helps!


  • Added #ifPlayerIsAttackingMyPlayer and #ifPlayerIsNotAttackingMyPlayer to Combat
  • Added #holdKey and #releaseKey in Keyboard
  • Added #ifMyPlayerIsAtClosestBank and #ifMyPlayerIsNotAtClosestBank
  • Added a global fix for the wilderness warning crossing the ditch
  • Added a global fix to close the first time banking pop-up
  • Fixed a bug that did not automatically select the correct index when adding a new item to a script queue
  • Minor fixes
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