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Stealth NMZ


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14 hours ago, umkay said:

Can I get a trail my man?

Authed :doge: 

5 hours ago, befferke said:

hi, last night i ran with dharok setup with repair mode one.
when i woke up i was doing NMZ without armour. My armour got repaired but was sitting in my bank;

Could you check this out?
BTW was using mirror mode

Any chance you could save the settings you used (if you haven't saved them previously) and send me the settings file via PM? It's located under C:\Users\<USER>\OSBot\Data\StealthNmz

40 minutes ago, Walter White Inc said:

Hi There, am I able to receive a trial for this script please.

Authed :doge: 

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10 hours ago, opiefkn1 said:

Could I get a trial brother man?

Authed :doge: 

8 hours ago, qwerty621 said:

Hey mate is there any chance we could get an option to exit dream when out of overloads? Thanks 

Sure, I'll include it in the next update

40 minutes ago, Zachary Feltham said:

Question, I was trying to setup special attack with dragon claws and main wrap as dharok’s great axe, but when I do the bot just goes to the bank opens it then sits there, anyone have a preset or know the issue

Does it have dharoks equipped and claws in inventory? Are you sure there was no typo on the GUI? Send me a PM with the settings used if you are having trouble setting it up

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