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hi im new here... made this acc like some month ago but forgot about it XD 

then my friends started talking more about botting and i was like yee i had an acc heer so anyways

i wanted to start boting because i want rsgold and levels and im lazy and who wants to grind anyways am i right?

if anyone has tips how i get started ill send u pic off my ass on snapchat (im guy btw) but only if u want that... 

is there like a gold guru around here i can hang around and become like an disciple lol cus im sick of rolling in rune and i want that bling u know

inb4 its more effort to learn this shit and set up than to grind ingame l0l


wtf did u srsly think i was gona send u snap im not even 18 u fkn pedo


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1 hour ago, PENROSE said:

hi im new here... made this acc like some month ago but forgot about it XD 

then my friends started talking more about botting and i was like yee i had an acc heer so anyways

i wanted to start boting because i want rsgold and levels and im lazy and who wants to grind anyways am i right?

if anyone has tips how i get started ill send u pic off my ass on snapchat (im guy btw) but only if u want that... 

is there like a gold guru around here i can hang around and become like an disciple lol cus im sick of rolling in rune and i want that bling u know

inb4 its more effort to learn this shit and set up than to grind ingame l0l

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wtf did u srsly think i was gona send u snap im not even 18 u fkn pedo



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1 hour ago, PENROSE said:

hi im new here... made this acc like some month ago but forgot about it XD 

then my friends started talking more about botting and i was like yee i had an acc heer so anyways

i wanted to start boting because i want rsgold and levels and im lazy and who wants to grind anyways am i right?

if anyone has tips how i get started ill send u pic off my ass on snapchat (im guy btw) but only if u want that... 

is there like a gold guru around here i can hang around and become like an disciple lol cus im sick of rolling in rune and i want that bling u know

inb4 its more effort to learn this shit and set up than to grind ingame l0l

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wtf did u srsly think i was gona send u snap im not even 18 u fkn pedo


welcome <3

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10 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

LOL....that was rather cringy

whatever you say dude like ok

im here to bot and make bank and exp gains whats cringe about that 

i could rebuttal you hard but i dont want to scar you for life i think its too early for that... because i might end up needing one of your scripts and shit is just gonna be awkward then and you should have thought about that too because i could be some filthy rich arab prince you just made a bad impression on and lost out on some juicy ass cash flow

wtf is up with people here, i introduce myself and i get labeled a meme ??:Dd what 

or is it this section that is just a big meme dump and i am new and confused






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7 hours ago, Koschei said:

Going to renege the offer, wow I guess I'll just keep my botting tips. 

wth why help me out dude stop being so elitist and help a noob out 

like i said above maybe im a filthy rich arab prince and this is that one chance in your lifetime to get on board 


12 hours ago, Charlotte said:

A "possibly" filthy rich arab prince with a "great" introduction. 

Uhh....welcome I guess?

I need some juicy ass cash flow please! 

well tbf i dont think that regardless if i am a filthy rich arab prince or not that my introduction would be super glittery and written like some official white house document 

isnt that the normal reaction just a simple welcome to someone new shit that wasnt so bad right?

yeah you know i said maybe about being a filthy rich arab prince and not to let you or anyone down i still maybe am one so always keep that in mind and regardless of the case if i win the powerball ill hit u up because u look kinda hot in ur profile pic and if u are actually a female (like with a vagina not just identify as one l0l or having a girl pic to lure ppl like me to buy ur scripts) then we could be a great couple... we're already having cute arguments so we'll see

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