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Super Man

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Even though OP was wrong to do that. 18+ section please.

How would an 18+ section help.


I don't come onto this site to compare what porn we watch. 


My face hurts from facepalming


18+ section isn't for that 



It's for 18+ people to talk about mature shit and not get in trouble for it because you little kids can't handle it

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It was a pointless misleading thread that had no value towards the site or the users.

It was in spam. 

I could see if it was in another section, but it was in spam.

Spam is a section where you can "Post nonsense to your heart's content!"

Not only that, but where in the spam rules does it say I can't do that? No where.

Also, by you posting that "You mad bro?" picture, it was an attempt to aggravate me, which is against the rules. Why aren't you being dealt with accordingly?




You just accepted defeat.

Can't even respond because you're lost this argument and can only post a meme


Even though OP was wrong to do that. 18+ section please.

It may have been "morally" wrong, but it wasn't against the rules.


And yes. An 18+ section would be nice; Maybe some fun people will be there


There was no argument, you're immature as hell and obviously mentally unstable. I pity children like you, grown in broken homes where you didn't get all the love you wanted. So you now take out your rage on people who don't agree with you. 

let's face it. You aren't even mad about him removing your dumbass thread, you're sad that nobody wanted to laugh at your cruel failure attempt at a joke. This made you very sad, and then angry. Which is why we are here "arguing" now. 

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It was a pointless misleading thread that had no value towards the site or the users.

It was in spam. 

I could see if it was in another section, but it was in spam.

Spam is a section where you can "Post nonsense to your heart's content!"

Not only that, but where in the spam rules does it say I can't do that? No where.

Also, by you posting that "You mad bro?" picture, it was an attempt to aggravate me, which is against the rules. Why aren't you being dealt with accordingly?




You just accepted defeat.

Can't even respond because you're lost this argument and can only post a meme


Even though OP was wrong to do that. 18+ section please.

It may have been "morally" wrong, but it wasn't against the rules.


And yes. An 18+ section would be nice; Maybe some fun people will be there


There was no argument, you're immature as hell and obviously mentally unstable. I pity children like you, grown in broken homes where you didn't get all the love you wanted. So you now take out your rage on people who don't agree with you. 

let's face it. You aren't even mad about him removing your dumbass thread, you're sad that nobody wanted to laugh at your cruel failure attempt at a joke. This made you very sad, and then angry. Which is why we are here "arguing" now. 



I guess I can use this again 


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It was a pointless misleading thread that had no value towards the site or the users.

It was in spam. 

I could see if it was in another section, but it was in spam.

Spam is a section where you can "Post nonsense to your heart's content!"

Not only that, but where in the spam rules does it say I can't do that? No where.

Also, by you posting that "You mad bro?" picture, it was an attempt to aggravate me, which is against the rules. Why aren't you being dealt with accordingly?




You just accepted defeat.

Can't even respond because you're lost this argument and can only post a meme


Even though OP was wrong to do that. 18+ section please.

It may have been "morally" wrong, but it wasn't against the rules.


And yes. An 18+ section would be nice; Maybe some fun people will be there


There was no argument, you're immature as hell and obviously mentally unstable. I pity children like you, grown in broken homes where you didn't get all the love you wanted. So you now take out your rage on people who don't agree with you. 

let's face it. You aren't even mad about him removing your dumbass thread, you're sad that nobody wanted to laugh at your cruel failure attempt at a joke. This made you very sad, and then angry. Which is why we are here "arguing" now. 


I mean that was a good guess


But it wasn't close at all..



You lost this argument and now your trying to barge into my personal life. You're using logical fallacies because you lost. You're mad so you're trying to attack my personal character, and well, its just not working. You're done, kid.


So far I've accomplished two things in this thread


1. Prove that I'm right

2. Make you mad

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It was a pointless misleading thread that had no value towards the site or the users.

It was in spam. 

I could see if it was in another section, but it was in spam.

Spam is a section where you can "Post nonsense to your heart's content!"

Not only that, but where in the spam rules does it say I can't do that? No where.

Also, by you posting that "You mad bro?" picture, it was an attempt to aggravate me, which is against the rules. Why aren't you being dealt with accordingly?




You just accepted defeat.

Can't even respond because you're lost this argument and can only post a meme


Even though OP was wrong to do that. 18+ section please.

It may have been "morally" wrong, but it wasn't against the rules.


And yes. An 18+ section would be nice; Maybe some fun people will be there


There was no argument, you're immature as hell and obviously mentally unstable. I pity children like you, grown in broken homes where you didn't get all the love you wanted. So you now take out your rage on people who don't agree with you. 

let's face it. You aren't even mad about him removing your dumbass thread, you're sad that nobody wanted to laugh at your cruel failure attempt at a joke. This made you very sad, and then angry. Which is why we are here "arguing" now. 



I guess I can use this again 









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For all wondering, his thread was hidden because he was trolling, using a fake url to lead to anne (the screamer aka 420yolo.com)


that should be bannable/suspendable on this site just saying........


It's not against the rules so no.

He's saying it SHOULD be on the rule list, not that it is now..


Ah my bad; thought he was saying that I should be banned/suspended.


Thanks for clarification

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It was a pointless misleading thread that had no value towards the site or the users.

It was in spam. 

I could see if it was in another section, but it was in spam.

Spam is a section where you can "Post nonsense to your heart's content!"

Not only that, but where in the spam rules does it say I can't do that? No where.

Also, by you posting that "You mad bro?" picture, it was an attempt to aggravate me, which is against the rules. Why aren't you being dealt with accordingly?




You just accepted defeat.

Can't even respond because you're lost this argument and can only post a meme


Even though OP was wrong to do that. 18+ section please.

It may have been "morally" wrong, but it wasn't against the rules.


And yes. An 18+ section would be nice; Maybe some fun people will be there


There was no argument, you're immature as hell and obviously mentally unstable. I pity children like you, grown in broken homes where you didn't get all the love you wanted. So you now take out your rage on people who don't agree with you. 

let's face it. You aren't even mad about him removing your dumbass thread, you're sad that nobody wanted to laugh at your cruel failure attempt at a joke. This made you very sad, and then angry. Which is why we are here "arguing" now. 


I mean that was a good guess


But it wasn't close at all..



You lost this argument and now your trying to barge into my personal life. You're using logical fallacies because you lost. You're mad so you're trying to attack my personal character, and well, its just not working. You're done, kid.


So far I've accomplished two things in this thread


1. Prove that I'm right

2. Make you mad


1. You aren't proving your right at all, you're just making yourself look like a hypocrite, and a fool

2. You posted this topic because you were mad at the mods, you were mad first and now you cant give it up

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It was a pointless misleading thread that had no value towards the site or the users.

It was in spam. 

I could see if it was in another section, but it was in spam.

Spam is a section where you can "Post nonsense to your heart's content!"

Not only that, but where in the spam rules does it say I can't do that? No where.

Also, by you posting that "You mad bro?" picture, it was an attempt to aggravate me, which is against the rules. Why aren't you being dealt with accordingly?




You just accepted defeat.

Can't even respond because you're lost this argument and can only post a meme


Even though OP was wrong to do that. 18+ section please.

It may have been "morally" wrong, but it wasn't against the rules.


And yes. An 18+ section would be nice; Maybe some fun people will be there


There was no argument, you're immature as hell and obviously mentally unstable. I pity children like you, grown in broken homes where you didn't get all the love you wanted. So you now take out your rage on people who don't agree with you. 

let's face it. You aren't even mad about him removing your dumbass thread, you're sad that nobody wanted to laugh at your cruel failure attempt at a joke. This made you very sad, and then angry. Which is why we are here "arguing" now. 


I mean that was a good guess


But it wasn't close at all..



You lost this argument and now your trying to barge into my personal life. You're using logical fallacies because you lost. You're mad so you're trying to attack my personal character, and well, its just not working. You're done, kid.


So far I've accomplished two things in this thread


1. Prove that I'm right

2. Make you mad


Why would I be the one mad? You're the one who got reported by lots of people and got his thread deleted. Which you are now still whining about. 

If I remember, you were just raging in your original post :s


1. How are you in any way right? What is even right or wrong??? We're not taking a fucking quiz here, there is nothing to be right or wrong about.

2. Like I said above, why in the hell would I be mad? lol. 

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Closing this topic. The thread was hidden from a wave of reports wanting it to be removed, not to mention fake URL's do cause panic attacks at times and will not be tolerated, I am currently unarchiving the spam rules and they will be updated shortly.


No need to direct hateful comments towards the staff, and I will take your forum suggestion into consideration, baby blue and binkies are kind of my style



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