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How long is your account flagged?


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Hey, just recieved my first ban (a 48 hour ban) just minutes ago.
Obviously my account was flagged, and I'm guessing that I will be for some time, since the message clearly states that my account is being monitored.

So, does anyone have any tips for how long I should wait before botting again?

Also, do you have any tips for preventing bans?
I only use paid scripts, and I only bot while I am present, however this easily exceeds 4 hours, and usually lasts about 6 hours a day, on several sessions.
Sometimes I don't bot much, or any at all.

Other than that, any tips?


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My experience...

account 1:

My account received a perm. ban 1month ago, I managed to squash that ban and after that I've botted again got me a 2day ban. I've been botting on it now for over more then 2week (stealth quester/ Frost cape) and now running nmz bot for more then 10hrs a day. Still didn't received any ban.

account 2:

2nd account: started with botting 2days ago (used juggles aio fighter and stealth quester) got me a perm ban next morning. used the same ip as the first Account. 1st account  hasn't been banned. 

I really don't have an explanation for it. But as mentioned above certain activity's have an higher banrate!

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7 minutes ago, Master00j said:

My experience...

account 1:

My account received a perm. ban 1month ago, I managed to squash that ban and after that I've botted again got me a 2day ban. I've been botting on it now for over more then 2week (stealth quester/ Frost cape) and now running nmz bot for more then 10hrs a day. Still didn't received any ban.

account 2:

2nd account: started with botting 2days ago (used juggles aio fighter and stealth quester) got me a perm ban next morning. used the same ip as the first Account. 1st account  hasn't been banned. 

I really don't have an explanation for it. But as mentioned above certain activity's have an higher banrate!

how did u managed to squash that ban? My account is perm banned and i can't appeal.. (?)

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30 minutes ago, bmw1996 said:

how did u managed to squash that ban? My account is perm banned and i can't appeal.. (?)

Wel I asked someone to lvl my acc 70/70/70 when he reached 70/71/69 the account received a perm ban. (the worker claimed he didn't bot on it. Neither did I before the ban). I just made an appeal and 2weeks later I've received this mail --> http://prntscr.com/hnl9o5 . Think if you let someone else bot your acc (different ip) and the account get banned. You should be able to make a successful appeal. (Not sure about it.)

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2 hours ago, Master00j said:

Wel I asked someone to lvl my acc 70/70/70 when he reached 70/71/69 the account received a perm ban. (the worker claimed he didn't bot on it. Neither did I before the ban). I just made an appeal and 2weeks later I've received this mail --> http://prntscr.com/hnl9o5 . Think if you let someone else bot your acc (different ip) and the account get banned. You should be able to make a successful appeal. (Not sure about it.)

Happened the same to me, but i got no email.. can u send me mod abel contact/email please?

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