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APA Rooftop Agility


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40 minutes ago, leroyjenkins889 said:

I am trying to buy but does not give me the option too is it because I just started my OSbot account



Sadly I cannot offer you a trial as your account is not yet over a week old, however this shouldn't stop you from being able to buy the script outright!

I'm not sure what the issue could be but you could always give it another go?


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Hey man, i recently had my main banned from using a shitty script on another shitty client, could you give me a trial to help me build my new account even though i have only just created my account on here?

Edit: Nvm, due to your excellent reviews i'll just buy it straight up!

Edited by deadflower
To not advertise a shitty bot client.
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10 hours ago, Amir Vargas said:

Hey I just tried the agility roof script it worked! from 49 to 60 in 10hrs!

However, when I tried it on Seers roof course for some reason when I try to start the bot it logs me off? I already tried deleting OSBOT and redownload but it still happens.

Do you think you can help me with this?



When the script stops, it will always log the reason for stopping in the console. Be sure to check what this reason is, it's likely something wrong with your configuration :)


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