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APA Rooftop Agility


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12 hours ago, Jus2Beast said:

Could I get a trial please?

Sure - activated :)

10 hours ago, denzelvb said:

Is there any way of a refund since I only got to use it for 30 minutes and got banned? (Which means I will not use it again to avoid perm ban).


I'm sorry to hear that you got banned. It happens :( - it is unfortunately a risk which must be accepted before botting considering automation is strictly against OSRS rules.

I don't set the refund rules as they are handled by OSBot, I believe under the current policy, bans are not a valid reason for a refund (see https://osbot.org/forum/forum/150-refund-requests/ )

Also, for future reference, this thread might be worth a read: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v2/

It's all about how you bot, not which bot/script you use!

All the best


Edited by Apaec
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On 7/14/2018 at 8:26 PM, denzelvb said:

I understand... 


How can I be so unlucky to be banned after 30 minutes of activating the bot.. 

My guess is just wrong place, wrong time.

I've just started back in OS and thought I'd see how the bots are going now. This is an excellent script, have been running for the past few days and haven't encountered a single problem. To be fair I have been playing very safe, baby sitting as the bot runs, only running for very short intervals (30-45 min) then playing legit.

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Hey, I do love the script - so I'm not posting this to criticise/complain/ask for a refund - but I've used it on 2 accounts recently (the only other bot I used was NMZ which I've used forever without bans over multiple accounts) and within 1 day of using this script at Varrock Rooftops for exactly 1hr total only once ever I've been banned on both accounts the day after using. I know an N=2 isn't much to base anything on, but thought I would share my experience/info :)


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19 hours ago, Rich17 said:

My script keeps exiting every time I try to use it after the update, is this a problem on my end or is there a usual downtime after updates?


19 hours ago, munt4noob said:

Happening to me too on every script I run basically. Think its the update.


Looks like the bot is down following the game update yesterday. Please be patient while the developers work on getting OSBot back up :)

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1 hour ago, NocturnalDisenan said:

This script doesn't work anymore. Just got banned on my account after using it for 5 levels. Actually upsetti spaghetti


Sorry to hear you got banned, but 5 hours is quite a long time to bot for!

You mentioned the script 'doesn't work anymore'. Please could you expand on this - if you're experiencing a bug or having issues, it's important that I know about this so that I can get this fixed for other users :)


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Dude i think you can make the script more efficient while doing agility w/ alch, if you make the script to do the path like this: gap -> (press spell only) high alch  -> wait for crossing gap -> alch item (immediately after crossing gap) -> next gap and repeat so it high alches while running to the next gap so it doesnt idle for few secs between gap's and alch, just an idea i had, gl and nice script :).

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Hey Apa! I know this is a big request, but I don't know anyone that uses the minimap for actual agility. If the script pre-rotated the camera movement for the next obstacle, I think this script would be perfect. I'm not a wizard, but I feel like that could reduce the ban rate as well. Most, if not all scripts use the minimap, and I think it raises the change of being banned! I can't really ever use this script cause I get banned quite fast, I think if you added the pre-rotating that could be massive, besides that the script functions perfectly as intended!

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