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The webwalker - supported locations


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Hi all

Is there a summary somewhere of all the places (ie dungeons/caves etc) the webwalker can get to from any random surface map location, or a a list of the obstacles it can navigate (be that something like the Shanty Pass, or agility shortcuts etc).

It's mainly for a combat script I use and figuring out where it's capable of going to and banking from.


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11 minutes ago, Alek said:

It's not a static web walker like the other bots, it loads all the map information and generates the routes dynamically. Some obstacles are automatically handled, others we write manual links for.

Hey, I took a break around the time you guys were working out the kinks in the webwalker. At that time I could use

CustomInteractingScript.install((p, l) -> p.skills.getStatic(Skill.HITPOINTS) >= 10, (boolean)true, (Position)new Position(2504, 3062, 0), (String)"City gate", (String[])new String[]{"Open"}, (Position)new Position(2504, 3062, 0), (Position)new Position(2503, 3062, 0));

to add more links to the webwalker.

Is this still possible or have you completely removed the ability to do so? (I've gone through the api and I can't find anything similar)

I ask mainly for some things I'd love the webwalker to handle on Zeah.



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