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Perfect Sand Crabs


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Hey Czar, I thought the script was good, it took a little finesse in the settings to get it how i wanted. One thing though that I was curious about, In the GUI it says Rock Crabs and then the option for East or West, yet it will web walk to sand crabs regardless of selection. I totally understand the script it called Sand Crabs, just curious because honestly I was looking at it for rock crabs and not sand crabs

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On 14/8/2017 at 4:12, Czar said:






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- Todos los lugares compatibles, incluida Crab Claw Isle
- Soporte bancario
- Todos los tipos de combate admitidos (a distancia, todos los tipos de munición + alcance, incluido el saqueo)

- Control deslizante de actividad: elija 4 configuraciones de actividad diferentes de: (Afk mi posición, Afk cualquier posición generada, Atacar solo cangrejos visibles / activos, Actividad completa / atacar a todos)
- Control deslizante de agresión: elija entre 4 configuraciones de agresión diferentes: (Solo tomar represalias a los cangrejos, ataca a los cangrejos de las personas cuando no se encuentra ninguno, ataca a todos los cangrejos, ataca SOLAMENTE a los cangrejos de otras personas)
- La nivelación con tareas - te permite establecer objetivos de nivel y cambiar los estilos de ataque para elevar diferentes habilidades, por ejemplo, establecer objetivos a 50 70 70, de la actual stats 44 51 55, alcanzará las estadísticas de gol.

- Prioridad de habilidad: puede elegir en qué orden elevar las estadísticas, por ejemplo, primero el más bajo, el más cercano al objetivo primero, arriba-> abajo, abajo-> arriba, subir de nivel de manera uniforme, etc.
- Condiciones de detención personalizadas: detener el guión cuando se cumple cierta condición, por ejemplo, estadísticas de objetivos alcanzados, cangrejos X muertos, tiempo transcurrido, falta de equipo, artículos, etc.
- Selector de diseño de inventario simple (del lado del usuario) consistente con todos mis scripts -> 1 botón copia el diseño de inventario y guarda it
- Soporte de salto mundial, con selector de conteo de jugadores
- Personalización de salto mundial: le permite elegir de qué mosaico saltará mundos
- Selector de mosaico de descanso: le permite elegir en qué azulejo romper, ~ 3 minutos antes de que se active el descanso

- Modo 'sin bots' (muy popular): le permite agregar un guión y técnicamente no bot en absoluto: el guión mostrará ventanas emergentes jframe (y pitidos) cuando los cangrejos ya no sean agresivos, lo que le pedirá al usuario que actualice manualmente cangrejos caminando hacia arriba
- Saqueo de artículos, incluida la opción de mesa de colocación rara
- Soporte de pociones (todos los tipos de pociones)
- Refresco de cangrejo al salir de la región


Detección anti-bloqueo (todavía necesita bombear la versión beta)




podria obtener sand crab perfecto.?

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Been using this for the past few days and it's not quite "Perfect".


1. Got stuck trying to withdraw potions while my inventory was still full of loot. Not sure if crash detect would have saved it but I was lucky enough to catch it quickly and intervene. 

2. Runs to a tile in the church to the north and will sometimes misclick. Not sure why it always runs to this area and not just a random tile X amount of tiles away to reaggro crabs. If someone were bot hunting they could easily identify users of this script and potentially exploit it. 

3. The script got me 51 attack even though my goal was 50 attack and 70 strength. Not happy about this. 

4. Have yet to see it world hop or use special attack and many of the other settings don't seem to do anything either.


Suggestion: If you're going to run to the alter for reaggro then you should consider adding a prayer flick option as well.


It works for the most part but I'd recommend using this with caution until Czar gets a chance to address these issues. 

Edited by Rarest
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With regards to questions:

Yes the fighter and this one share a similar codebase until more novel features are discovered/added, the plan will be for this one to have a slight edge over the more general autofighter bot.

As for rock crabs, I will check it out, I will see what I can do about that, I hadn't realised it was displaying the rock crabs too, so sorry guys. I will try squeeze in rock crabs support on this one too, until my rock crab goes back on the store.

@fakejossil make sure to set some food in the loadout, until I add a way to have conditional banking so that it only banks once your personalised condition is met, e.g. out of potions, or out of food, or none (if banking is disabled). Aside from that, to avoid banking just turn on 'no food mode' in the bottom-left box of the setup window.

@Rarest all issues will be addressed in the upcoming version, I appreciate the feedback. The only question I have is regarding the task-levelling feature, did you have the weapon: 'Granite hammer'. If not please ignore, I will investigate why it didn't switch styles. As for special attack, it could be that your weapon isn't supported, please confirm your weapon so I can add it ASAP. The first two points & hopping will be working much better in the coming update shortly.

Will make further changes, stay tuned for the upcoming update.

Will be giving out double trial so you guys can compare how it works in the new update too.

Edited by Czar
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On 5/28/2020 at 2:29 PM, Czar said:

@Rarest all issues will be addressed in the upcoming version, I appreciate the feedback. The only question I have is regarding the task-levelling feature, did you have the weapon: 'Granite hammer'. If not please ignore, I will investigate why it didn't switch styles. As for special attack, it could be that your weapon isn't supported, please confirm your weapon so I can add it ASAP. The first two points & hopping will be working much better in the coming update shortly.

Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I am indeed using a granite hammer. 


Not sure if this is of use to you, but here's a screenshot of the script stuck attempting to withdraw potions from the bank. 


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