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Disputed member: [https://osbot.org/forum/profile/268679-co2studios/]

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Explanation: I had ordered Mithril gloves from scratch from him for 10m 07. I wake up to see that he has completed the service. I get on the account and it is permanently banned for Macroing.

I really don't mind him getting the account banned. 

What I'm most disappointed about is losing my 3 Letter name on the account.

Evidence: (hidden)

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These types of disputes usually require all of us staff to come to a decision however we will take a few things into consideration (solely from what I have read and seen from the evidence and ACP evidence)

1) RW8GsTI.png 

You have Stealth Quester @co2studios 

2) The account was banned after you stated it was completed when @Clinkz supposedly woke up

3) Clinkz only has sponsor and 0 paid premium scripts on his nexus profile (this doesn't include free scripts or private scripts) --> This should be taken with a grain of salt as it doesn't rule out he botted the account prior to the service


The reason these type of disputes are tricky are because in the mean time after you completed it clinkz could  have botted or you could   have botted it with stealth quester or clinkz could have botted it before you did the service. 


We're going to discuss this as the team but have you got any screenshots such as the dialogue that pops up with the quest being completed?

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All screenshots I have are within this Imgur link.


As far as I'm concerned, I fulfilled the order in compliance with the global T.O.S. 



1. If a user buys a service that is not completed fully within the time period set, they can request a refund unless valid proof is given.
2. The buyer does not have rights to a refund if they have received what they've paid for.
3. A seller is not at fault if a buyer trades an impostor unless stated otherwise.
4. A seller/buyer can always refuse doing business with anyone.
5. A seller or buyer is not responsible for any bans/mutes that may occur on an account unless stated otherwise.
6. If a buyer changes their password, logs in mid-service, or cancels the service, the seller has the right to stop the service without refunding.
7. You are allowed to have a T.O.S on any thread, as long as they do not loophole the ones stated here.
8. These T.O.S can be changed at any time at an Administrator's discretion



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I wanted the account ready so that I could have another person get me barrows gloves on it. I wasn't gonna even touch the account myself. From the chat logs I provided, it was clear that he had botted the account and got it banned. I did not want to make him look bad so I even gave him a chance to resolve it between ourselves. I don't even bot cause I don't own any proxies and do not want to put my other accounts at risk. I would also like to be compensated for my 3 letter name. 

So what I want to be compensated for:

1. My 3 letter name.

2. The bond that I put on the account.

3. 1m cash as I had purchased a mith glove package for 500k and left some cash on the account. 


He even has stealth quester and such on his account, I wasn't even aware of that. 

I've had other people service my accounts and not a single person has had problems. I'm not here to frame people and waste time.

I wanted to give the lower feedback people a chance cause you never know, people can be really efficient. 

I'm still gonna give them a chance. But I just want this to be treated fairly.


Do you mind not hiding the evidence so people can see the time and such... There's really no need to hide the evidence.


And the title was not what I had put, this just makes me look bad..

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2 hours ago, co2studios said:

All screenshots I have are within this Imgur link.

As far as I'm concerned, I fulfilled the order in compliance with the global T.O.S. 





As you can see in the thread linked below, especially #8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)

However, seeing as with botting bans during services are different with some cases very obvious and others not as obvious, we tend to, as saiyan pointed out, make a collective decision within the staff team regarding what we feel. 


2 hours ago, Clinkz said:

I wanted the account ready so that I could have another person get me barrows gloves on it. I wasn't gonna even touch the account myself. From the chat logs I provided, it was clear that he had botted the account and got it banned. I did not want to make him look bad so I even gave him a chance to resolve it between ourselves. I don't even bot cause I don't own any proxies and do not want to put my other accounts at risk. I would also like to be compensated for my 3 letter name. 

So what I want to be compensated for:

1. My 3 letter name.

2. The bond that I put on the account.

3. 1m cash as I had purchased a mith glove package for 500k and left some cash on the account. 


He even has stealth quester and such on his account, I wasn't even aware of that. 

I've had other people service my accounts and not a single person has had problems. I'm not here to frame people and waste time.

I wanted to give the lower feedback people a chance cause you never know, people can be really efficient. 

I'm still gonna give them a chance. But I just want this to be treated fairly.


Do you mind not hiding the evidence so people can see the time and such... There's really no need to hide the evidence.


And the title was not what I had put, this just makes me look bad..

We tend to hide evidence which contains any sort of sensitive information. 

Regarding getting your 3 letter name, can you please pm me what the name was along with a picture of the account with the name shown. 

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7 minutes ago, Decode said:



As you can see in the thread linked below, especially #8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)

However, seeing as with botting bans during services are different with some cases very obvious and others not as obvious, we tend to, as saiyan pointed out, make a collective decision within the staff team regarding what we feel. 


We tend to hide evidence which contains any sort of sensitive information. 

Regarding getting your 3 letter name, can you please pm me what the name was along with a picture of the account with the name shown. 


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@DecodeMay I ask why I'm required to pay when at no point did Clinkz request the service to be done by hand? I completed the service exactly how he requested: cheap. In the original thread and in the conversations there was no mention of hand training as a requirement. 

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23 minutes ago, co2studios said:

@DecodeMay I ask why I'm required to pay when at no point did Clinkz request the service to be done by hand? I completed the service exactly how he requested: cheap. In the original thread and in the conversations there was no mention of hand training as a requirement. 

Because we apply logic and common sense. If i wanted a service botted, theres a big chance i'd bot it myself rather than pay someone. 

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Just now, Decode said:

Because we apply logic and common sense. If i wanted a service botted, theres a big chance i'd bot it myself rather than pay someone. 

You would also state: This service must be completed by hand, or you would ask "are you botting" during the setup. I stand by the fact that I abided by the Global TOS and there was no mention of hand-training anywhere within the purchase requirements. 

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2 minutes ago, co2studios said:

You would also state: This service must be completed by hand, or you would ask "are you botting" during the setup. I stand by the fact that I abided by the Global TOS and there was no mention of hand-training anywhere within the purchase requirements. 

You're putting up a pointless argument. Our ToS also states that the staff team is free to overturn any of them if/when they see fit and that it varies with every case. With some disputes, we don't meddle with the ToS, with others, we do. 


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Just now, Decode said:

You're putting up a pointless argument. Our ToS also states that the staff team is free to overturn any of them if/when they see fit and that it varies with every case. With some disputes, we don't meddle with the ToS, with others, we do. 


I don't agree. I wasn't required to hand-train, and therefore, no bans are at my fault. You're right, you can overturn these rules at any time, but I'm just stating my case. I completed the order within the given specifications like it or not. 

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4 minutes ago, co2studios said:

I don't agree. I wasn't required to hand-train, and therefore, no bans are at my fault. You're right, you can overturn these rules at any time, but I'm just stating my case. I completed the order within the given specifications like it or not. 

Even after you've stated your case, we won't be changing our decision. While i understand your point of view, it is your job as a servicer to make sure the customer is happy with the account being botted. You don't take a advantage of the situation with the mindset "he never said its not allowed so i can do it". It is your duty to double check with the customer because, logically, not many people would pay any amount of money for a service, only for it to be botted. 

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