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In week botting


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With zulrah you have to be pretty smart. Don't forget you still need gear and supplies after buying the account. 

Depending on stats too, you'll only get 1m-2m an hour. With that being said, if you're going to suicide zulrah,(which I don't recommend) you would need to make 60m back for the account, + supplies every 2-3 hours is around 1-3m depending on supplies. + bond....

Looking at best? You need to make back 90m ish? Because of supplies every few hours. I didn't even add the zulrah script cost or gear invested LOL. 

i mean you could do it.... but sounds horrible. If you're going to zulrah, space it out with multiple accounts and rotate every few hours.

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  On 7/25/2017 at 2:29 PM, Phaibooty said:

With zulrah you have to be pretty smart. Don't forget you still need gear and supplies after buying the account. 

Depending on stats too, you'll only get 1m-2m an hour. With that being said, if you're going to suicide zulrah,(which I don't recommend) you would need to make 60m back for the account, + supplies every 2-3 hours is around 1-3m depending on supplies. + bond....

Looking at best? You need to make back 90m ish? Because of supplies every few hours. I didn't even add the zulrah script cost or gear invested LOL. 

i mean you could do it.... but sounds horrible. If you're going to zulrah, space it out with multiple accounts and rotate every few hours.


Think people may be getting the wrong jist of the OP.

I suicide over the weekend with throw away accounts. I just need something to fill the gap in the week. If I was to bot zulrah I would literally do 2 hours in a day then break etc. I just don't know whether its worth spending so much money on account because I could get really unlucky and get it banned straight away.

How long have your accounts lasted doing Zulrah? You easily made your money back from them? 

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  On 7/25/2017 at 2:34 PM, Tolleys said:

Think people may be getting the wrong jist of the OP.

I suicide over the weekend with throw away accounts. I just need something to fill the gap in the week. If I was to bot zulrah I would literally do 2 hours in a day then break etc. I just don't know whether its worth spending so much money on account because I could get really unlucky and get it banned straight away.

How long have your accounts lasted doing Zulrah? You easily made your money back from them? 


Zulrah is worth imo. I made all my money back from my accounts. Just have to bot smart. Start on a fresh ip, or get a residential ip. 


Edit: as long as you have a clean ip, and bot smart you're good.

Edited by Phaibooty
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  On 7/25/2017 at 2:41 PM, Phaibooty said:

Zulrah is worth imo. I made all my money back from my accounts. Just have to bot smart. Start on a fresh ip, or get a residential ip. 


Worth it to zulrah bot on my 2 nearly maxed mains who have both received botting bans before? Like months ago tho

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  On 7/25/2017 at 2:45 PM, mercylad said:

Worth it to zulrah bot on my 2 nearly maxed mains who have both received botting bans before? Like months ago tho


If you're absolutely okay with eventually losing the account, do it. I do it on my main, but I've taken precautions. 

I hand played my account on my home ip for a while then stopped. I perm play on a proxy now, botting zulrah, incase of a ban I can attempt to recover the account. 

If you're okay with losing an account with a slight chance of appeal, change password, email, bot on residential proxy, profit. 

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  On 7/25/2017 at 2:54 PM, Phaibooty said:

If you're absolutely okay with eventually losing the account, do it. I do it on my main, but I've taken precautions. 

I hand played my account on my home ip for a while then stopped. I perm play on a proxy now, botting zulrah, incase of a ban I can attempt to recover the account. 

If you're okay with losing an account with a slight chance of appeal, change password, email, bot on residential proxy, profit. 


Account is already appealed one from perm ban before haha so I think there's no chance they will let me appeal it twice xd

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  On 7/24/2017 at 10:26 PM, Juggles said:

If you need a private script hmu


advertising on a thread which didn't even ask for it smh


well considering we're advertising I guess


i'm a male prostitute specalising in egg stuffing

hmu x


and on post - zulrah wont be 2m a hr ever I found (especially with accs around 75-90 mage and range). you're more likely to get 1000k-1400k from my own findings when i tried to farm it

Edited by Void
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