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proxyfier, anyone used before?


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2 hours ago, guywithlsd said:

Anyone used proxyfier before with OSBuddy? 

Maybe there is another way to use proxy with OSBuddy?

Profile > Proxy Servers > Add
Now enter the credentials provided from your proxy service

  • IP: Port
  • Protocol Version (Strongly suggest you to use & buy SOCKS5)
  • Authentication (Username & Password for the proxy server)

Once you've filled in everything, hit the OK button. Should look something like this:

Now that the first part is done, lets move on to the second part.

Go to Profile > Proxification Rules. Now Set the Default rule name to Direct under actions. You can remove the Local host rule as its for no use.

Now you want to click on the Add button and create a runescape proxy rule.
Name it whatever you feel like, I just used Runescape since I'm only going to use for just that.
Now under Target Hosts copy & paste this: *.runescape.* and now just select your proxy you want to use under Action tab and click the OK button. Now if you've done everything correctly it should look similar to this: http://i.imgur.com/pfEmsCG.png

Now you're done. Every time you open up runescape on either browser, botting client or their official client you should be proxying with the setup you just made.

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6 minutes ago, Alen said:


Profile > Proxy Servers > Add
Now enter the credentials provided from your proxy service

  • IP: Port
  • Protocol Version (Strongly suggest you to use & buy SOCKS5)
  • Authentication (Username & Password for the proxy server)

Once you've filled in everything, hit the OK button. Should look something like this:

Now that the first part is done, lets move on to the second part.

Go to Profile > Proxification Rules. Now Set the Default rule name to Direct under actions. You can remove the Local host rule as its for no use.

Now you want to click on the Add button and create a runescape proxy rule.
Name it whatever you feel like, I just used Runescape since I'm only going to use for just that.
Now under Target Hosts copy & paste this: *.runescape.* and now just select your proxy you want to use under Action tab and click the OK button. Now if you've done everything correctly it should look similar to this: http://i.imgur.com/pfEmsCG.png

Now you're done. Every time you open up runescape on either browser, botting client or their official client you should be proxying with the setup you just made.



holy, thanks man! will try soon. but correct me if i am wrong..you don't need vip to use botting client with proxy then? for example - you can run 3 different botting clients with 3 different proxys on your PC with help of proxyfier?

3 minutes ago, Hi G00gle said:

Not sure if Jagex will be looking at the DNS, but you might wish to change the local DNS to the DNS of the proxy. You can find this in the right corner.

What does DNS stand for and how this could be any problem for botting? 

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Just now, guywithlsd said:

holy, thanks man! will try soon. but correct me if i am wrong..you don't need vip to use botting client with proxy then? for example - you can run 3 different botting clients with 3 different proxys on your PC with help of proxyfier?

What does DNS stand for and how this could be any problem for botting? 

DNS stands for Domain Name Server. Google is for example www.google.nl, but in reality it is the IP adres. If you lookup for example 5 proxies, and one gets banned, _they might_ ban them all cause they _might_ refer to the same DNS. Not all proxy providers might provide a unique DNS for each proxy.

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