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Most Requested Accounts


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Hey guys, 

As the title says i'm looking to see what people think the most requested accounts are. I have a ton of Fresh lvl 3's that i'm not sure what to turn into. So i would like to see what you guys think people want/need or is the best route to go after tutorial island. I'm not at 100 posts yet, so i am unable to sell. I'm just getting ready so when i am able to sell i actually have accounts people want. Any feedback is appreciated :D thanks!

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If you go pure mod than i would advice you to quest 40 attack with a few easy quest: waterfall, grand tree, tree gnome village, fight arena. (i would just set up the auto quester script to run for mithril gloves too, your defence and prayer should stay 1 with mithril gloves. i've done this before.

or if you dont want to quest than keep the attack lvl 1, this way you keep the option open for all the possible builds 40attackf2per/gmauler/ddser or obby mauler if 1 attack.

keep defence 1 and prayer 1, this gives people more of a choice to decide themself to train pray if they want since 1pray pure are becoming popular.

the higher you can bot range/str/mage would make the account the higher worth.

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2 hours ago, BSHarvest said:

most of pure mode I belive

So like 1 Defence pures or would you suggest all kinds of pures like obby maulers,60 attack,sotd, range pures/voiders, zerkers? Every account would be quested ofc i wouldn't short cut any account. Thanks for the Reply :D 


1 hour ago, danielsoko said:

starter mains 

Starter main as in? 70/70/70 or with levels spread around the whole account? 


1 hour ago, Mumble said:



or maxed accounts.


Maxed acc rentals are really sought for.

I was going to make some like that. I was going to have some 40/40/40 60/60/60. Really good for starter mains/GDK. Thanks for the reply :D 


1 hour ago, mercylad said:

If you go pure mod than i would advice you to quest 40 attack with a few easy quest: waterfall, grand tree, tree gnome village, fight arena. (i would just set up the auto quester script to run for mithril gloves too, your defence and prayer should stay 1 with mithril gloves. i've done this before.

or if you dont want to quest than keep the attack lvl 1, this way you keep the option open for all the possible builds 40attackf2per/gmauler/ddser or obby mauler if 1 attack.

keep defence 1 and prayer 1, this gives people more of a choice to decide themself to train pray if they want since 1pray pure are becoming popular.

the higher you can bot range/str/mage would make the account the higher worth.

Noted. What do you think is more needed ? Gmaulers/60attack pures or Obby maulers? All stats that can be quested will be, also prayer will almost always be left at 1 so people can decide what they want. Thanks for the Reply :D 

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1 hour ago, danielsoko said:

all depends how trust worthy you are, if you use your own account or if poeple provide there own lvl 3s for this

I think most of my accounts will already be premade until i can get enough feedback, so people will be able to trust me more. Then i will be doing custom orders where people can provide there own lvl 3s. All of the accounts i will be original owner and all will have no registered email. Its still a work in progress, Just trying to get a feel of what kind of accounts people would like :D 

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Lvl 1 def defence pures. And yes if you keep the attack lvl 1 and prayer and defence also 1 and train the rest, people can always decided themselves wether they want to go obby/f2per/gmauler/ddser/voider/zerker/main.

Choosing to go any of this mode and lvl attack/defence/prayer later on while you have the most important stats which is magic/range/strength is easy at a later stage as the requirements for attack/def/pray aren't that high. Mostly around lvl 40 which can be gotten in an hour.

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10 hours ago, mercylad said:

Lvl 1 def defence pures. And yes if you keep the attack lvl 1 and prayer and defence also 1 and train the rest, people can always decided themselves wether they want to go obby/f2per/gmauler/ddser/voider/zerker/main.

Choosing to go any of this mode and lvl attack/defence/prayer later on while you have the most important stats which is magic/range/strength is easy at a later stage as the requirements for attack/def/pray aren't that high. Mostly around lvl 40 which can be gotten in an hour.

Alright cool man thanks for the reply (: I'll defiantly work on having some 1 def accounts available for people !

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