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Account deleted, not banned?


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One of my suicide nmz accounts got kicked of the game, after the message "To many login connections" I kept pressing login which caused the account to be disabled.
Now when i try to login to either the website or game it says invalid name and password. After changing the password is keeps doing this.

When i look at the my friendlist i see that the name is a random generated name, also the name i had set is available for name change already.

No matther what, I cant login to check my account status. Does this mean that the account is deleted? and do they delete accounts often instead of banning them?

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A number of people have reported this happened to them in the past. I think it's due to Jagex determining that the activities on your account were too severe to ever warrant an unban and so they deleted the account altogether. 


But I have been seeing people state that their account just no longer exists, which is obviously totally different than being banned, as with being banned you actually have something to log in to which will state that you're banned.

43 minutes ago, guer said:

happened few times to me, its just banned.

It's not banned, it's deleted. There's a noticeable difference.

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