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Service owner thread Reqs


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Hi Gentleman, Women, and @Tylar245

In the last month 2 Service owner's scam quit and scammed their employees.

I think this is becoming a problem slowly but surely.

I ask us the community to fix it before anyone else loses.

I personal love the market, everyone in it is an entrepreneur, but some rotten tomatoes are ruining stuff and we need to do something about that because the people they scam lose trust feel unwanted, and feel unsafe on our wonderful market.

Lets talk about making some requirements for service owners to hire employees, I myself want to get some employees but i want to see if we will add some requirements before. I have some ideas but, i don't want to be bias or anything so that's why i want an open conversation with the whole community. 


Verified Service Rank only can hire employees


Mod has to validate all worker deals,(this would add alot of work for the mods i dont think throwing them under the bus and giving them more work than they already have)


Open for discussion


I will add the voted methods that we think are the best




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8 minutes ago, Asuna said:

That leaves pretty much nobody, and those who can already have.




5 minutes ago, drapi said:



3 minutes ago, Butta said:

welcome to the black market, some people are legit, some are not.

choose wisely.


1 minute ago, Jowsiej said:

Verified service holders can scamquit too..

Some are legit, some are not. You want to be service holder right? So you are responsible for your workers :)


Just now, HastyLife said:

Can only agree thats the world I guess

thats the problem the service owners are scamming the workers do you guys think that is fair ??


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I totally agree with everything that you are saying about how hard these rotten tomato's are leaving a negative impact on the community. Especially as being a newcomer like yourself.(i also had a run in with crime not once but twice(one from one of his fake accs) and sezero was trying to get me to do work with and for him for a long time now.(glad i told that idiot he would have to go first or decode for a MM or no deal)

Unfortunately I dont feel like doubling our forum mods work is the way to go, as they already have it agonizingly rough with how the community has been lately just not even with services, but in general their job definitely is not pleasant.

Following this thread though. Really interested in these ideas.


Edit - only viable option tbh is the one we have access to, we have mm utilize them in every aspect of the business customers and workers.

Edited by ScarceHorizons
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5 minutes ago, Tesla said:





thats the problem the service owners are scamming the workers do you guys think that is fair ??


Of course not sir I even got scammed myself and learned from it.

But if there are no Personal documents etc people are willing to scamm

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7 minutes ago, Tesla said:





thats the problem the service owners are scamming the workers do you guys think that is fair ??


No, but do you think paying somebody to do something in a video game that you're supposed to do yourself is fair?

Scamming is always going to be here, in any blackmarket. You can restrict, restrict, restrict but it will always still be there.

Verifieds have scammed in the past and will in the future no matter what the rules are. Unless you put some huge restriction like 1b gp downpaymet to mods but then mods might mess up or scam, and they have!

The best you can do is find an equal balance and educate your fellow users about the dangers of commuting and/or using a service or trade in this market.

Edited by Asuna
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Just stop being cucks and hiring people who are clearly undercutting others. You are paying for the service, their trustworthiness and in some cases quality.

A few extra dollars for some peace of mind is worth it.

If people want to be idiots, let them. There will always be a risk transacting with anyone.

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8 minutes ago, ScarceHorizons said:

I totally agree with everything that you are saying about how hard these rotten tomato's are leaving a negative impact on the community. Especially as being a newcomer like yourself.(i also had a run in with crime not once but twice(one from one of his fake accs) and sezero was trying to get me to do work with and for him for a long time now.(glad i told that idiot he would have to go first or decode for a MM or no deal)

Unfortunately I dont feel like doubling our forum mods work is the way to go, as they already have it agonizingly rough with how the community has been lately just not even with services, but in general their job definitely is not pleasant.

Following this thread though. Really interested in these ideas.


Edit - only viable option tbh is the one we have access to, we have mm utilize them in every aspect of the business customers and workers.


7 minutes ago, Jowsiej said:

Workers are known with the risk that that can happen... Thats internet


4 minutes ago, HastyLife said:

Of course not sir I even got scammed myself and learned from it.

But if there are no Personal documents etc people are willing to scamm


4 minutes ago, Asuna said:

No, but do you think paying somebody to do something in a video game that you're supposed to do yourself is fair?

Scamming is always going to be here, in any blackmarket. You can restrict, restrict, restrict but it will always still be there.

Verifieds have scammed in the past and will in the future no matter what the rules are. Unless you put some huge restriction like 1b gp downpaymet to mods but then mods might mess up or scam, and they have!

The best you can do is find an equal balance and educate your fellow users about the dangers of commuting and/or using a service or trade in this market.

well if you guys strongly think there is nothing we can do than thank you for your input this can be closed now i rest my case  

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I do agree that this is an issue but I don't think many of these proposed solutions are the way forwards.
I absolutely agree with everyone saying to pay extra for someone more trustworthy, whilst it's not always going to avoid any issues, it'll certainly reduce them.

I think some additional requirements for servicing is the only feasible way to discourage scammers. It'd have to be an automated system as to not put too much extra work on the staff, whilst still being substantial enough to actually make a difference. Maybe like a sponsor type rank you can buy in the store called servicer that acts as a deposit but you can get it back after a week or so of applying for it back? Maybe you get 90% of it back, just so the OSBot staff get something out of it? Just my thoughts

Edited by burnmeh
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