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Dispute against House


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5 minutes ago, Montana of 300 said:

I didn't ask prior to purchase because House sent me this on the 27th February, where I bought the script on the 6th march (my birthday!). The script was first discussed on the 27th February; where I agreed I'd buy it and we would do the deal when he had done the script + back from holiday etc; ensuring every "every script I sell to a customer is unique by code so that's not a worry". This lead me to believe it wasn't necessary to ask it was private. 


Proof of it being 'unique by code' on 27th February:




Proof of payment on 6th march:




If i did not accidentally send the wrong files to CMDrake no one would have ran the code that was written for your script.

If you want to play with wording then be my guest i'm not going to join in.

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This is ridiculous, I keep asking you specific questions and you keep not replying to them. I asked you to do this:



I want you to do it in bullet-point form such as:

1. Reason 1
2. Reason 2
3. Reason 3



Instead you post a picture of something Montana already posted. Don't respond anymore, you're not being helpful. 

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Just now, Alek said:

This is ridiculous, I keep asking you specific questions and you keep not replying to them. I asked you to do this:


Instead you post a picture of something Montana already posted. Don't respond anymore, you're not being helpful. 


I have responded to you actually how you asked. Kept is short too.

6 minutes ago, House said:

1. The portion of the script which interacts with the world of runescape is not identical and does not behave the same as another copy would with different code.

Nuff said.


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I want you to clearly define how the script you attempted to sell to John, the script you sold to Montana, and the script you sold to CMDrake are unique. I want you to do it in bullet-point form such as:

1. Reason 1
2. Reason 2
3. Reason 3



1. The portion of the script which interacts with the world of runescape is not identical and does not behave the same as another copy would with different code.


What part? Describe it before I completely lose my patience because I'm at a tipping point right now. You said before the way it drops items, now you are saying the way it interacts with the world. Be specific.

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Just now, Alek said:

You know what, tell me which obfuscated classes are different, I'll look at it myself. I have 3 different decompiled sources. 

If you are playing at me saying "there is no difference" then you can have it.

There is no difference because CMDrake and Montana Of 300 received the SAME FILES as explained with reason twice now.


This is actually some great stuff here.


@Alek i can send you source code to show the different versions which are how they are meant to be.

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2 minutes ago, House said:

If you are playing at me saying "there is no difference" then you can have it.

There is no difference because CMDrake and Montana Of 300 received the SAME FILES as explained with reason twice now.


This is actually some great stuff here.


@Alek i can send you source code to show the different versions which are how they are meant to be.

Oh so you think you know more than me? I'm actually looking at the source you sent MattchuPichu and Montana of 300. They look pretty identical, even with them being two different versions. 

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2 minutes ago, Alek said:

Oh so you think you know more than me? I'm actually looking at the source you sent MattchuPichu and Montana of 300. They look pretty identical, even with them being two different versions. 


Not saying i know more than you at all, i'm not sure how you took that away from what i said.

Maybe its up to opinion then i suppose how unique the code can get huh :)


If you want to decide its not unique enough go ahead do what you want / need to do.

Obviously what i say has no impact where this is going.

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You lied to me, I asked you if you tried selling this script to anyone else and you said no. In fact you sold the script before to MattchuPichu and you tried selling it again to k9thebeast. 

From what I can tell you sold the script 3 times at $120-$140, then tried selling it a fourth time. Looking at the obfuscated code, much of the code is recycled. If you are telling me that changing the order of how inventory items are dropped is worth $120, it's not. 

Looking at version 1.1 and version 1.3 of HHerbs, both are pretty much the same script yet alone them being marked as "unique" to two different people. Let's keep CMDrake out of this completely, the script I see between Montana and MattchuPichu is almost identical. 

In the end I feel like you are not telling me the truth. 


1. Did you try selling the script to anyone else? (Only "Yes", "No", or "I do not understand the question")


1. No. i did not try sell the same script i gave to Montana Of 300 to anyone else.


If you came to me and said

"The core of the script is the same but the following is different:
1. ConditionalSleep times
2. The pattern of dropping inventory items
3. The mouse movement
4. Reaction times

I sold similar scripts to 3 members, but I felt that they were different enough to be considered unique".

I would have sided with you and been more lenient. Instead you told me that they were different and you didn't try selling a similar script. 

You sold 3 of the same script and tried selling it a fourth time, which is against our rules. In the future be completely up-front with information and do not try and mitigate any information. 

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@CMDrake, @Montana of 300, and @MattchuPichu please post on this thread what option you decide to take. If you decide to take Option 2, please post when the transaction is complete.


Additionally, as of now @House cannot sell or make any new private scripts for the period of one month. If the private scripts he has remain supported for at least a month (out of his three months), he can go back to making private scripts. You get to keep Scripter I; I was really borderline about it. 

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