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what is the most stupid way you got suspended from school/college?


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jokingly slapping my friend.. 3 days of suspension.

girl splattered paint on her during ceramic class, i laughed, teacher yelled at me and told me to pick up all the paint and clean the girls shirt. I said no and she told me to get out her class, I told her i wasn't her slave so okay *im the only black person in  my school so it was pretty funny', 5 days of in school detention. 



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Fighting. One of my friends was chinese, we didn't appreciate the snide racism. Turned into a recurring problem every year, was like a tradition to have a brawl with these fuckwits in the year above us. Few suspensions/police threats.

Food fights. Had these massive outdoor slugfests with a shitload of fruit that we'd come prepared with, turn into abit of an epidemic across the school and they started raging coz theyd have to clean it all up.

Stink bombs. While all the above was happening we'd brew living cultures and siphon them off into smaller projectiles, one got thrown inside the canteen window and had to be shut down coz of biohazard, my friend had to go clean it up, horrific.


We were idiots, but id pay $10,000 to do high school again.

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