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Juggles AIO Fisher


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  On 2/1/2019 at 1:05 PM, Strikemaker said:

Stops working after going to the bank. After the deposit of all of the fish he stands still for 10 minutes...

Started the fishing south-east of Draynor Village.

Schermafbeelding 2019-02-01 om 14.05.05.png


My exact issue, so need to resort to power fishing, though I really wanted to bank salmon to cook/sell.

  On 2/1/2019 at 10:57 AM, Seriously said:

I'm pretty sure the action is "Lure" not "Fly fishing rod"


Yes, that was a mistake on my part. I ended up getting it to work, thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few small problems

- Fishing at Catherby: whatever your fishing, the bot walks halfway back to the fishing spot and stops.

- Also at Catherby, if your fishing spawn moves off screen, the bot can't see it to find it, and simply waits there until one spawns nearby (sometimes logging off after 15mins)

- Fishing guild: The bot decides to bank in Ardougne instead of the fishing guild bank

- Harpoon: Due to the way the bot is setup (I.E. parameters of "Fishing spot" and "Harpoon"), it can't differentiate between sharks and tuna/swordfish, making fishing for tuna/swordies before the lvl req for sharks virtually impossible


Other that that, works well, I've gotten to 68 with it so far, although it does require pretty heavy babysitting

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  On 2/23/2019 at 11:23 PM, stingerbingerlid said:

Mech Eng here and for me I was confused when filling in the fields because it says 1st colored word, and I thought he ment the yellow and not the white, so I kept putting in "Rod" and "Fishing spot" lol. Good script though thx!


I'll edit the directions to make it more clear ? 

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