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"NPC Could not be resolved"


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Make sure you are using the java 1.8 compiler, so that it supports lambda expressions. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22544064/java-8-lambdas-dont-work-everything-else-from-java-8-works-though

I don't have 1.8 tho.. I can only see 1.7


Edit: downloading the update now, ill let u know how it goes

Edited by PuppyLover101
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NPCs closest returns a single NPC, not a collection of NPCs for you to filter.


You want something like:

 Optional<NPC> suitableNpc = getNpcs().getAll().stream().filter(npc -> npc.getHealthPercent() > 1).findFirst();
        if (suitableNpc.isPresent()) {

You may want to look a little bit into Java 8 streams before using them.




Or better yet you can use the FilterAPI way which is native to OSBot smile.png

getNpcs().closest(new Filter<NPC>() {
            public boolean match(NPC obj) {
                return obj.getHealthPercent() > 1;
        }) ;


EntityAPI: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/EntityAPI.html

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Thanks alot guys~ 


     if(cowArea.contains(myPlayer())) {      
    NPC cow = getNpcs().closest("Cow", "Cow calf");
    if (cow != null && !combat.isFighting() && !cow.isUnderAttack()) {
    new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
    public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
    return myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isInteracting(cow);
is what i used.
I have one last problem. For some reason it takes a LONG time to loot cowhide/choose a different NPC (after killing cow, finding out someone already attking it or if it's under attk.)
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Thanks alot guys~ 


     if(cowArea.contains(myPlayer())) {      
    NPC cow = getNpcs().closest("Cow", "Cow calf");
    if (cow != null && !combat.isFighting() && !cow.isUnderAttack()) {
    new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
    public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
    return myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isInteracting(cow);
is what i used.
I have one last problem. For some reason it takes a LONG time to loot cowhide/choose a different NPC (after killing cow, finding out someone already attking it or if it's under attk.)




Think about it logically, you're using "closest". It will always return the closest cow to you and if that closest cow is under attack then you are going to be waiting until that cow is killed.

Use one of the methods above to filter cows by distance/area, health > 0, not under attack, etc. After that you're going to want to sort those results by distance. This way you only get cows which you can attack, ordered by distance (instead of all cows which you don't know if you can attack or not).

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Think about it logically, you're using "closest". It will always return the closest cow to you and if that closest cow is under attack then you are going to be waiting until that cow is killed.

Use one of the methods above to filter cows by distance/area, health > 0, not under attack, etc. After that you're going to want to sort those results by distance. This way you only get cows which you can attack, ordered by distance (instead of all cows which you don't know if you can attack or not).

if (cowArea.contains(myPlayer())) {
NPC cow = getNpcs().closest("Cow", "Cow calf");
if (cow != null && !combat.isFighting() && !cow.isUnderAttack()) {
new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
return myPlayer().isAnimating()
|| myPlayer().isInteracting(cow);
if (cow.getHealthPercent() == 0) {
GroundItem cowhide = groundItems.closest("Cowhide");
if (cowhide != null && cowhide.interact("Take")) {
new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
public boolean condition()
throws InterruptedException {
return cowhide == null;
} else {
I have it like this. I'm tlaking about after the cow is dead too. For some reason it takes too long to find another cow/simply loot cowhide. Is there a way to prioritize looting cowhide over killing? so i can find cowhide on the ground and pick itup. thanks
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if (cowArea.contains(myPlayer())) {
NPC cow = getNpcs().closest("Cow", "Cow calf");
if (cow != null && !combat.isFighting() && !cow.isUnderAttack()) {
new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
return myPlayer().isAnimating()
|| myPlayer().isInteracting(cow);
if (cow.getHealthPercent() == 0) {
GroundItem cowhide = groundItems.closest("Cowhide");
if (cowhide != null && cowhide.interact("Take")) {
new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
public boolean condition()
throws InterruptedException {
return cowhide == null;
} else {
I have it like this. I'm tlaking about after the cow is dead too. For some reason it takes too long to find another cow/simply loot cowhide. Is there a way to prioritize looting cowhide over killing? so i can find cowhide on the ground and pick itup. thanks




For the love of god please use the code formatting 

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NPCs closest returns a single NPC, not a collection of NPCs for you to filter.


You want something like:

 Optional<NPC> suitableNpc = getNpcs().getAll().stream().filter(npc -> npc.getHealthPercent() > 1).findFirst();
        if (suitableNpc.isPresent()) {

You may want to look a little bit into Java 8 streams before using them.




Or better yet you can use the FilterAPI way which is native to OSBot smile.png


getNpcs().closest(new Filter<NPC>() {
            public boolean match(NPC obj) {
                return obj.getHealthPercent() > 1;
        }) ;


EntityAPI: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/EntityAPI.html


He was using the shorthand lambda expression, for the Filter<NPC> before.  I don't know why he changed it to what he has now.

getNpcs().closest(new Filter<NPC>() {
            public boolean match(NPC obj) {
                return obj.getHealthPercent() > 1;
        }) ;

is the same as

getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc.getHealthPercent() > 1);

@@PuppyLover101, change it back to what you had before, where you had the yellow lines.  The yellow lines just means there is a warning.  It will still compile and run.  In eclipse, you can hover over the underlined lines of code and it will tell you what the warning is.  It will also give you suggestions on how to fix it.  If you can screenshot the warning tool tip, we can help you get rid of it. 

Edited by Manner
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