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Script won't Start/Run


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Just recently finished adding a closestBank method and ever since my bot won't load. Eclipse doesn't give many errors or nothing, i'm so confused as to what's is causing it.

import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
@ScriptManifest(name = "MaxChopper", author = "Cloudcode", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "")
public class Main extends Script {
        public Main() {
            lastTimeCalled = System.currentTimeMillis() - 900000;
        public int wCutLvl;
        public int attackLvl;
        public Area closestBank = Bank.getClosestBank(this);;
        public int highestUsableHatchet;
        public int highestWieldableHatchet;
        private long lastTimeCalled;
        public Area grandExchange = new Area(3162, 3486, 3167, 3486);
        private JFrame gui;
		private String selectedMethod; // Global String variable to store selected option
        private boolean started = false; // Declared at the top of the script (Global)
    public void onStart() {
        log("Script Started...");
    public int getLvls() {
        wCutLvl = skills.getStatic(Skill.WOODCUTTING);
        return attackLvl = skills.getStatic(Skill.ATTACK);
    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
        if(highestUsableHatchet == highestWieldableHatchet && inventory.contains(highestUsableHatchet)) {
            getInventory().interact("Wield", highestWieldableHatchet);
        else if (getInventory().equipment.contains(highestWieldableHatchet)) {
        else if(!inventory.contains(highestUsableHatchet) || (!getInventory().equipment.contains(highestWieldableHatchet))) {
        if(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimeCalled > 900000) {
        return random(200, 300);
    public void onExit() {
        log("Stopping Script...");
        if(gui != null) { // If the JFrame has been created
            gui.setVisible(false); // Hide it
            gui.dispose(); // Dispose
    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
           if(started){ // If the user has started the script
                // Rest of the paint code
    public void getHatchet() {
    public void getHighestUsableHatchet () {
        if(wCutLvl < 6)
            highestUsableHatchet = 1349;
        else if(wCutLvl >= 6 && wCutLvl < 11)
            highestUsableHatchet = 1353;
        else if(wCutLvl >= 11 && wCutLvl < 21)
            highestUsableHatchet = 1361;
        else if(wCutLvl >= 21 && wCutLvl < 31)
            highestUsableHatchet = 1355;
        else if(wCutLvl >= 31 && wCutLvl < 41)
            highestUsableHatchet = 1357;
        else if(wCutLvl >= 41 && wCutLvl < 61)
            highestUsableHatchet = 6739;
    public void getHighestWieldableAxe()
        if(attackLvl < 5)
            highestWieldableHatchet = 1349;
        else if(attackLvl >= 5 && attackLvl < 10)
            highestWieldableHatchet = 1353;
        else if(attackLvl >= 10 && attackLvl < 20)
            highestWieldableHatchet = 1361;
        else if(attackLvl >= 20 && attackLvl < 30)
            highestWieldableHatchet = 1355;
        else if(attackLvl >= 30 && attackLvl < 40)
            highestWieldableHatchet = 1357;
        else if(attackLvl >= 40 && attackLvl < 60)
            highestWieldableHatchet = 6739;
    public void randomizer()
       private void createGUI(){
            // Declare two constants for width and height of the GUI
            final int GUI_WIDTH = 350, GUI_HEIGHT = 200;
            // Get the size of the screen
            Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
            // Calculating x and y coordinates
            final int gX = (int) (screenSize.getWidth() / 2) - (GUI_WIDTH / 2);
            final int gY = (int) (screenSize.getHeight() / 2) - (GUI_HEIGHT / 2);
            // Create a new JFrame with the title "GUI"
            gui = new JFrame("GUI");
            // Set the x coordinate, y coordinate, width and height of the GUI
            gui.setBounds(gX, gY, GUI_WIDTH, GUI_HEIGHT);
            gui.setResizable(false); // Disable resizing
            // Create a sub container JPanel
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            // Add it to the GUI
            JLabel label = new JLabel("Select a method:"); // Create a label
            label.setForeground(Color.white); // Set text color to white
            panel.add(label); // Add it to the JPanel
            // Create a select box for tree options
            JComboBox<String> methodSelector = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Quickest Method(PowerChopping)", "Profitable Method (Banking)"});
            // Add an action listener, to listen for user's selections, assign to a variable called selectedTree on selection.
            methodSelector.addActionListener(e -> selectedMethod = methodSelector.getSelectedItem().toString());
            // Add the select box to the JPanel
            JButton startButton = new JButton("Start");
            startButton.addActionListener(e -> {
                started  = true;
            // Make the GUI visible
Edited by CloudCode
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