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Alt account botting progress


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Goal: Create a maxed fully Botted account

Account Created: 22/09/2016

Last Updated 23/09/2016

Invested gold: 1m

99s: 0

First goal: Bot All Quests possible with minimum stats]


All the typing below could be useful if new to botting or want to pickup some tips for the future. I had 4 accounts fully botted with 3 99s on each.


I also only use my own scripts or premium bought ones. Using public free scripts is asking for a ban and using premium is still a big risk depending how many users are using it. The newer the premium script the better.


I've taken up botting again recently only on my alt which I started 24 hours ago prior to this thread. the main goal is being just to make an awesome 100% botted account with decent stats and being a good money maker. maybe even max it like my main is now.


Currently nothing has been done by hand(Questing in the future may be done by hand). I also have a strict schedule with running the bot frequent breaks. In my opinion I think this is a key thing in not getting banned. I think they pickup your account running time and then monitor from there on if it's a long time per day.


So every day of the week I will be changing it but will repeat the playtime every 2 weeks. So Monday 4 hours at say 8pm tuesday 6 hours from 10am to like 4 then maybe more in the night. So on but for 2 weeks this will change then the schedule will repeat making it seem like this is when I play and am a dedicated player.


I've went through a lot of testing on accounts also I've used 10 accounts and successful got them banned which was overall my plan but I monitored them the whole way to find out what gets you banned easily to what takes time to get banned and it seems to be playtime is a key aspect in this. Just like suiciding will get you banned easily as they pick up the 1000 same events happening over a course of say 48-72 hours which we all know is impossible for most people to do.


I have overall 4 out of the 10 accounts get 3 99s over the course of month with only 2 playing at the same time with proxies so that my main account wouldn't get banned and so when I started this actual project I could use my main IP to show this is my alt account with the main while I play both. The 4 accounts with 3 99s I played slow and on schedule only investing 1m on each account making over 200m from all 4 of them within a month which isn't a lot but it was slow play and done skills the cheapest way possible.


So I have now created the account and after putting 1m on the account I have around 400k left without making profit so more will need to be invested which I'm fine with as I am sure I wont be banned on the account I'm playing with. I think the first thing I will be going for is 99 fishing done through monks to supply my main and maybe even cook them I don't know fully yet. But I wont just be doing this all the time as it is basically begging for a ban so 4 days fishing 3 days questing or something combat related.


Current Investment: 1m


Progress after 24 hours 23/09/2016







Edited by Cunty
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Gl on this!

Im making an alt too, botting and playing legit to test how long it takes before it gets banned.

Stats atm:




Keep us updated! smile.png



Nice man how long have you been at it?

Good luck. My alt got smacked after hitting 1k total.


May I ask what was you botting when banned? And what script?


I'm only using my own made or premium scripts.

Edited by Cunty
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