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Khal Wintertodt


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2 hours ago, andiroo12 said:

not sure whats going on but the bot was working fine last night. try to run it and it goes through its start up and just stands there saying finished loading any ideas?


Hi, same problem here. It's because of the runescape new update, we just have to wait until osbot will be updated to current game version.

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Ahhh I got myself banned.  Tried running it for like 8 hours on my iron Man.   Was pretty awesome while it was going.  Got me to 70 fm and a couple hundred k bank value


Becareful with this one, wintertoldt seems to be a hotspot.


Good script tho but maybe see if you can change up the antiban


Gl everyone

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Everyone is getting banned after two hours, I don't know if these people are the minority or the majority here, feel the minor, but I have ran this bot without being sucidal about it.

Made 10M xp in the last week or so (new acc), almost 99 on first account n 2nd is now 91.


Great work Khalessi, keep it up :)

Edited by BigBoi992
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