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Price Check - 60 Mining Rock Golem Pet


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You're not allowed to trade accounts here with a TWC. Make some currency trades to get your TWC removed and then we can talk numbers.

is this a post looking to sell an account or a post asking for a price check?

Easy now. At one point in our runescape life we all scammed atleast once.

yea lol, it was a rough time, i feel i've matured from it

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Easy now. At one point in our runescape life we all scammed atleast once.




My bad. Forgot that you two were perfect :kappa:

Ingame yes.


IRL, No.



One way or the other, its the same thing. Im not afraid to admit that at one point (A really really long time ago) i was a scammer. Obviously now, i have a track record to prove that i am a new person. 

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