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Fruity Zulrah Killer


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Right i believe the issue where it stood still at zul-andra after teleporting will be sorted for next as i fixed alrdy, guna look into the poison issue, most likely make it run to portal rather than bank if poisoned and no anti in inventory

Can i grab a trial for this ?? really looking forward to it i got a couple accounts for it haha

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Only thing i could think of is how sensitive it is with which squares its in like not sure which phase exactly but i have noticed it alot on one where he runs from the right side to the left side first pillar (where you start, straight after boat that first pillar side) to mage the green phase he sometimes has to be in the exact square next to pillar before he mages and the snakelings are in its way SOMETIMES and hell run past them then go forward in the poision then back and right clicks 'walk here' to get in position by that time the green phase has dissapeared 


I mean the squares really doesnt have to be in exact point but i could see from the scripting point of view how easy it would be to just add a specific tile? maybe adding more then one tile for it to be ok to continue on attacking zulrah? you the boss scripter man i wouldnt know 


i mean its not a big deal but if you planning to fully stable it and make it perfect it could be something you could change in future?

itll mean more dps/faster kills thats all


another thing switching the right prayer a little tad earlier before the zulrah hits ive noticed it also sometimes itll care too much about what the snakelings attacks are and the zulrah will throw a mage hitting 40s but you protecting snakelings max hit of 15, i would assume we all use 2 ring of recoils on invent so we could probably tank it over the zulrah hit maybe im wrong but again its not much of a big deal 


great script fruity QwPha8E.png


Atm im working with thresholds for positions, ill have a base position and then a distance threshold because of potential clouds and such. I am planning on having directional thresholds rather than distance. this would mean i could be allowed 1 square up of 5 down etc. This should make it less 'fussy' 


When you get hit, be sure its not a magic phase throwing range hits, i cant really do anything to protect against them hits. If it isnt, next time it happens would you be able to tell us the phases and i can look into them.


account was perm banned not even a 2 day bann.. it should be becuase i was behind the bank for 3 hour + stuck there


Damn im sorry to hear :o I really need to find out why its standing behind the bank but when trying to recreate it or trying to force it to stand behind the bank my account just carries on like normal.


If anyone notices the account getting stuck, would it be possible it tell me how? is it suppose to be just banking as normal or is it ment to be recharging stuff or?


Yeah Fruity, I would still like to trial it out pls, does it support the boat?


Will add in a moment and yes it does, have camelot teleports + coins in inventory when doing setup

Was giving a 2 day ban. Should i consider doing botting it again or wait some time before trying? Also what is the recommended amount of time to bot at a time??


Sorry to hear about a ban, All the accounts i tend to use for zulrah have been 2day banned in the past (because im cheap like that). Just dont bot too many hours, i only ever really run scripts when im sat on the laptop doing other stuff and i do alright

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